Chapter One- The Beginning

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Yuta POV

"Grandfather, you wished to see me?" I ask the Head Captain as I enter his office and stand in front of his desk. He stops his writing and looks up at me. "Yuta, I fear something has come up with Rukia in the world of the living and I would like for you to check on her. I don't want to hold an official meeting until you return with your report." He says sounding concerned. I bow to him. "Of course sir. How long do I have?" I ask him standing up straight once more. "You have a week." He says sternly and I nod. I bow once more and take my leave. Once I leave my purple Sakura petals surround me and I appear back at Squad 9 barracks.

I head in and over to my office. Once I arrive, Tousen isn't at his desk. Hmm, wonder where he went. I get to my desk and grab my silver necklace with a silver Sakura flower on it and put it on. I also grab my sword when I hear a knock on the door. "Enter." I say as I attach my sword to my lower back. Shuhei walks in and bows. "Captain. Lieutenant Tousen is at squad 3 barracks at the moment. He told me to tell you he will be back tonight." He informs me and stands straight again. I nod and put my hair up in a ponytail.

"I am leaving to the world of the living. Head Captains orders. Do not tell anyone where I have gone. Not even Tousen. Just tell him I am off on a mission. I trust you with this information." I say as I walk past him. "Yes Captain. Of course. If I may ask, why?" He turns as I open the door. I sigh as I remember seeing Aizen and Tousen speaking to one another in the middle of the night. "He's been.... different lately. I must be on my way. See you in a week."

With that, I leave my office and head to the senkaimon. After about 10 minutes of walking, I see Byakuya walking in my direction. I wave at him, smiling. "Hello Byakuya. How are you?" I ask as he stops a few feet away from me. "Hello Captain Yamamoto. I'm fine." He says in his mutual tone of voice. I sigh. "You know Byakuya, I've told you before to call me Yuta. Or at least Captain Yuka if you have to add the Captain part." He nods and begins walking past me. I sigh once more as the wind blows past me and I summon my Sakura petals and I'm in front of the senkaimon. The doors open and a hell butterfly flys past me and I begin to run in.

A little while later I appear above Karakura town. The gate closes behind me and I begin to flash step to the one place I know will let me stay there, and also Rukia might have been there. I sigh as I reach Urahara's shop. All of a sudden the doors fling open and a little boy with red hair is standing there with a frown on his face. "Who are you and what do you want?" He asks, practically yelling at me. An irk mark forms on my head as I say through gritted teeth. "I'm here to see Kisuke." He raises as eyebrow at me and slams the doors closed in my face.

I slam the doors open. "Hey you little brat!" I yell at him stomping up to him and grabbing him by his ear. "Don't just go slamming doors in people's faces! Can't you see I'm a soul reaper you little twit!" I yell into his ear and I hear a cough from behind the little brat. I glare up at the intruder then sigh, letting him go. "Well hello there Yuta! Long time no see! Why haven't you visited me?!" Kisuke pouts out the last sentence from behind his fan. I groan and walk past him and into the back. "Yoruichi! I know you're here! You better get out here before this man-AHHH! KISUKE GET OFF ME!!" I yell out and Kisuke gropes my boobs from behind.

"Oh come now Yuta! You know you-Oof!" He begins to say in my ear but I elbow him in the face, making him fall to the ground. I straighten out my robes and Yoruichi comes walking up in her cat form and we head over to the table. Tessai comes out with some tea then hands an ice pack to Kisuke. "You should know better by now Kisuke. You always do something stupid to her and she always hits you right after. Will you ever learn?" Yoruichi says, jumping onto the table. He groans as he sits across the table from me. "What can we do for you Yuta?" I thank Tessai and take a sip from my tea. "I'll get right to the point. Has Rukia been here?" Kisuke pauses for a second longer than I would have liked.

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