Chapter 16- Yuta's Rage and More Arrancar's Arrive

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Hello my lovely readers! Hope you have been enjoying the story!

Yuta POV

The morning after, Byakuya was still there when I woke up. Which made me so happy waking up next to him. Over the next few days, Byakuya was hanging out with me a lot more, he even helped me with my paperwork when he was done with his. I also decided to do Toshiro, Rangiku and Renji's paperwork as well. Thinking it would be a nice little present when they came back, they didn't have to do as much.

After about a week after my date with Byakuya, I decide it's time to go back to the world of the living. As I'm approaching the senkaimon, Byakuya shows up suddenly, and I giggle as I notice he is slightly out of breath. He walks up to me once he has his breathe under control.

He pushes a stray hair behind my hair as I smile up at him. "I know you have feelings for others as well Yuta, and I don't mind that for now. We aren't committed to each other yet. But, I won't give up on you. Not until you tell me who you want okay?" He says as he places a hand on my cheek. I nod and give him a closed eyed smile. "Of course Byakuya. I don't know when it will be, but thank you." I give him a quick kiss and take off through the senkaimon.

I arrive a little after night time above Kisuke's shop. I raise an eyebrow as I look down at the shop. It's been destroyed? Oh? I smirk once I since an Arrancar in the training underground area. I shunpo down there and a big explosion goes off. "Ah!" I hear someone yell out. That sounded like Renji.

My eyes widen when I see him slammed into a rock. "I should commend you." The Arrancar begins to say, stepping toward Renji. I appear in front of both of them. "Wha? Yuta?" Renji exclaims. "What? Who are you?" The Arrancar questions me in his hollow form. I glance back at Renji and smirk at him. "Sorry I wasn't here Renji. But leave the rest to me." "B-but Captain!" He stutters out, trying to stand.

"Oh? A Captain you say?" The Arrancar begins to laugh. "How marvelous!" He says, obviously excited he's fighting me now. I look back at the Arrancar, still smirking. "I wouldn't be too happy if I were you." I say as Sakura petals begin floating around us. "Huh? Where did these come from?" The Arrancar questions. Behind me, Ririn takes Renji away from the battle. "Leave this to her okay Renji?" She says to him. He sighs and nods hesitantly.

"Besides, you hurt someone dear to me. For that..." I begin to say as I slowly walk up to the Arrancar, more petals surrounding the area. "I will kill you without mercy." I look up to the Arrancar with a serious and deadly expression on my face and I release a ton of my spiritual pressure. His eyes widen as he grunts, trying to stay standing.

Suddenly my Sakura petals form a circle around me and the Arrancar, spinning and smirking around us, blocking us from everyone's view.

"Ho-oh! It seems like Yuta is very pissed off!" Kisuke suddenly says, waving his fan in front of his face, a bright smile behind the fan. "Urahara! When did you get here?!" Renji questions, looking up at him from his seat on the ground. Tessai, Kisuke and Chad are standing behind Renji, Noba, Ririn and Kurodo.

"We just arrived. And it seems like Yuta has this handled though." Kisuke says, smirking behind his fan. "You really think she can handle that guy?!" Kurodo asks, shocked. "Yes she can. She is a lot stronger when it means protecting those who are close to her." Kisuke answers.

"What is the meaning of this?!" The Arrancar asks annoyedly. I smirk up at him. "These are my Sakura petals. It's so no one can get in or out of this circle within here. Also, I don't want the others to see what I'm about to do." I say.

I begin to say an incantation. "The oozing crest of corruption. The arrogant vessel of madness. Deny the seething urge to let things stun and flicker. Disrupt the sleep. The crawling princess of iron." I begin to say, while I'm saying the incantation, the Arrancar tries to attack me but my Sakura petals block each attack he fires. "The eternally self-destructing doll of mud. Unite, repulse, fill the earth, and know your own powerlessness. Hado #90 Kurohitsugi!"

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