Chapter 14- Meeting up with the Visored

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Hello everyone! I just want to thank everyone for 500 reads! I know it's not a lot compared to others but it is a big accomplishment for me! So thank you! Don't forget to vote and comment what you think!

Yuta POV

Once I got back into my gigai, nobody had returned to the Kurosaki household so I asked Isshin if I could take a shower and he let me. I fell asleep on the roof and sometime in the early morning rays, I heard the front door click. I popped my head over the edge and seen Ichigo walking out, and not in his school uniform either.

I smirk to myself. So you're finally going huh Ichigo? I follow silently after him and I notice he is heading to where the Arrancar's first appeared. I sigh and stop not to far away in a tree. After about 5 minutes of him just staring at the hole, I decide enough is enough. I jump down and walk up behind him. He doesn't turn when I walk up next to him.

"Something on your mind Ichigo?" I question, looking at the giant hole in the ground as well. He jumps slightly, seems like he didn't even hear or feel me come up to him. "Wha? How did you know I was here?" He avoids the question, glancing at me. I roll my eyes. "I slept on the roof last night. I woke up when the sun came up. I heard you leave so I followed, wondering where you were going." I simply say. He nods and doesn't say anything else, lost in his mind again.

"I know. It can't go on like this." He mutters to himself. I scoff and roll my eyes. I turn and stand in front of him. "Alright Ichigo. I'm getting really tired of this whole 'boo hoo me' crap. If you want to get stronger to protect yourself, your family and friends, than do something about it instead of moping around like a sad orange." His eyes widen slightly.

"Do you want to get stronger Ichigo? Do you want to control the Hollow inside you?" I question in a serious tone. He takes a step back in shock. "How did you know?" He asks. I sigh. "I'm a Vizard as well. Same as that guy you met not too long ago. If you want to control your Hollow—" I turn and begin to walk away. "Than follow me." I finish saying. After about 10 seconds of walking, I hear him run up behind me, causing my lips to upturn into a smirk.

As we were walking down some back streets to get to the warehouse, I notice Ichigo giving me side glances. I let out an irritated sigh. "What do you wanna ask Ichigo?" He blinks a couple times, obviously surprised I caught him. "How did you become a Vizard? And does anyone else know?" He hesitantly asks. "A long time ago, about 100 years or so people were going missing. Myself, my lieutenant and 3rd seat went to investigate. That's when we got attacked. Others came to search for us. Under our hollowfication, we attacked the others, which led them to becoming hollows as well. Later on, I found out it was Tosen, Gin and Aizen who did this. He did it to all of us." I sigh, looking down while walking.

"But Central 46 kicked all of them out. They were considered traitors. But the Head Captain pulled some strings and got me to stay. I was able to become stable very easily. I mastered my hollow quite fast. That's why the others want me here." I simply say and look up to the warehouse.

We both enter the rundown place and the door shuts behind us. "Well well well. I wasn't expecting Yuta to be here so soon but that's okay! Good job getting here!" We both look up and everyone is sitting on some kind of slabs or beams in the run down warehouse. I sigh as Shinji is talking and walk forward and lean against a broken piece of concrete, not needing to hear what he has to say to Ichigo. I'm only here to help, not hear his long ass speeches.

Suddenly, Ichigo starts attacking Shinji. I sigh, annoyed with the situation. Shinji really needs to stop being so cocky, but so does Ichigo. After a couple of minutes, Hiyori butts in and smacks Shinji out of the building, right through Hachi's barrier. I chuckle and Kensei turns his head to me. I smile at him and wave. He walks over to me. As I watch him walk over, tons of memories flash through my mind. I see him look down at my necklace and back up to my face. "How have you been Yuta?" He asks in a hushed tone, probably not wanting others to hear.

I smile up at him. "I've been good. Things around here are getting exciting huh? I have missed you guys." He slightly smiles back. He isn't one to show very much his true emotions. Kensei is more of a private person, unlike myself. "I'm glad. It's good to see you again. I'm pretty sure I speak for all of us when I say we missed you as well." His slight smile suddenly turns into a frown as he looks at the ground. "Why didn't you come with us? Yeah we got kicked out but why didn't you follow us?" He pauses then slightly looks at me. "Why didn't you follow me?"

I sigh and take a step toward him and put my hand on his arm. "Kensei, you know why I stayed. And that was a long time ago Kensei. At the time, I just wasn't ready to move on from his death. From him." Tears start to come to my eyes and I let go of his arm and wipe my eyes. He sighs and nods. He straightens his back and clears his throat. "But that was then. This is now." I sigh and suddenly I sense something. My eyes widen and I look behind Kensei. Ichigo's fighting Hiyori while she has her hollow mask on and suddenly, Ichigo's hollow mask starts to form. He grabs Hiyori by her neck and flies through the air with her and slams her into a pillar of concrete.

I narrow my eyes and my hollow mask forms on my face and I Shunpo to between them.

I place my hand over his hand on Hiyori's neck

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I place my hand over his hand on Hiyori's neck. "It's alright Ichigo. Let go now. Your safe." His eyes widen and the mask crumbles and his eyes go back to normal. My mask begins to vanish as well as I turn toward Hiyori. I notice that everyone has come up and surrounded us. "You satisfied Hiyori?" I ask her with a growl to my voice as my eyes go back to normal. She slides down the pillar and it's obvious with how her face looks that she is scared. She probably couldn't believe how strong he was.

Shinji then starts to talk to Ichigo, telling him he passed and that they would teach him how to control it.

A little while later, they start him on some running machine thing. Shinji walks up to me while I'm laying on their couch, reading a book. "How did you do that Yuta?" He questions with a serious tone in his voice. I close the book and sit up, stretching my arms above my head.

"I don't know. I just had this feeling and I just did what I thought would help. I questioned my hollow earlier after it happened but she wouldn't say anything. She pretty much ignored me." I roll my eyes, remembering what happened.

He sighs and takes a seat next to me. "Well, for whatever reason, you keep him in check. So we will need you for that." I nod understandingly.

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