Chapter Two- The Ryoka

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I rush over to squad six barracks. Multiple lower ranks bow and say hello as I pass them by but I just rush past them to Byakuya's office. I get to his office and knock. "Enter." I slam open the door and march up to his desk. "Byakuya Kuchiki! Why did you sever his soul chain?! Don't you think that was unnecessary?!" I yell to him. He looks up to me shocked but recomposes himself quickly. "Captain Yamamoto, don't you think you are overreacting?" He asks and I sigh. "You were not given orders to do anything to that boy. You were ordered to bring back Rukia and that's it. I was the one that observed them for a week and he didn't seem like a threat." I inform him and he sighs. "He attacked us to prevent us from taking Rukia. I did what I had to." He responds and I sigh.

Suddenly 2 hell butterflies fly through the window and I hold up a finger as one lands on it. Captains meeting. I sigh and the butterfly flies off. Byakuya and I look at each other and nod. He stands and walks up to my side and purple Sakura petals begin to float around us. They begin to swirl around and begin to block everything around us. And in an instant they disappear and we are in front of the doors of the meeting hall. Byakuya gives me a nod and I nod back as he heads inside. "Well that's no fun! How come Byakuya gets a free ride?!" I hear a voice exclaim from behind me and I roll my eyes. "Because he was with me when we got the summons." I explain and Shunsui comes into my line of sight, leaning over to look at me. He smirks and I roll my eyes once again. "Oh? And what were you and him doing together?" He questions with a raised eyebrow and I wave my hand, dismissing his accusations. "Please, I was merely scolding him of what he did, that's all." I informed him and he pouts. I see Aizen come into my line of sight and I try to hold back a glare.

I don't like him. Haru says into my mind and I give a slight nod. Him, Gin and Tousen have been awfully close lately. I have observed it more than once. I don't know what's going on but I don't like it. I can't shake this bad feeling. I tell him and I hear him grunt in agreement.


I gasp as I stare into the sky, a big ball of energy hitting the membrane of the dome that protects the Soul Society. I had a feeling I knew who would be the intruders in the West Rukon district. But why would they be this stupid? Breaking in like this?! Suddenly the ball erupted and broke through. And within a few seconds, 4 beams shot out in different directions. Alright... I noticed that one of them was smaller than the rest and smirked. Purple petals circled me and teleported me there. I heard footsteps running up behind me as the petals floated away. The beam headed straight for me. I see a small black figure in it and I broke into a full smile. "Captain Yamamoto!" I heard from behind me and glanced back.

I see lieutenant Izuru running up with some other soul reapers behind him. "Get ready!" I yelled out, pretending to take a fighting stance. The beam got closer and all of a sudden it blasted out right in front of us. I glanced to my side and the other. I turned back to them. "Find them!" I yelled out and they all nodded and ran past me to look. I waited until they have fully left my sight to turn and look up to my left. I smiled brightly when I see a black cat. I flash stepped to it and smiled down at it. "Hello Yoruichi." I simply said and she smiled up at me. "Hello Yuta. I didn't expect to see you so suddenly." She said in her male cat voice. I shrugged. "I figured you would come. When I heard about intruders, I expected it to be Ichigo. Who else is here?" I asked and she gave me a look. I rolled my eyes and turned slightly from her. "Listen, I know I'm his granddaughter and everything but I don't always agree. If you are here then there is a reason." I began to say.

"We are good friends Yoruichi and even after all this time, I will still believe in you and Kisuke. Kisuke is smart when it comes to these things and I expect you have a plan?" I question her and look back at her. She nods and begins to walk off and I follow. She jumps into a tree and I jump after her. She sits and I lean against the trunk. "I didn't know wether of not you would aid us, so I never mentioned you. But having you on our side does help a lot." She starts to say and i nod. "I have been having some suspicions lately, so i'm going to look into that." I tell her and she nods. Haku, will you keep a close eye on Aizen, Gin and Tousen? I ask him in my mind and he begins to laugh. Finally! A bit of fun! Honestly Lady Yuta, i was beginning to get a bit rusty. I roll my eyes at his comment and nod. "Go." I say and purple sakura petals fly by me and go with the wind. Yoruichi looks up at me and smirks, well atleast as much of a smirk as a cat can do. "Haru will keep an eye out on the battle field for me and he will watch a few people for me as well. What are you going to do?" I ask her.

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