Chapter 9- Saying Goobye For Now

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Yuta POV

Later that night, as I'm working on my enormous pile of paperwork, a hell butterfly flies into the window, hovering over me. Shuhei glances up from his desk as I lift my hand. The hell butterfly lands softly on my hand, relaying the message to me. The butterfly lifts off once the message is delivered and flies away.

I go into my drawer and grab my necklace, putting it on. I turn and grab my zanpakuto. "What is it Captain?" Shuhei asks. "The head captain has summoned me." He nods and gets back to his paperwork. I head out into the halls and out into the night, flash stepping the whole way there. I knock on the door and I hear him say enter.

I stand in front of his desk, awaiting why he has summoned me at such a late hour. "Hello granddaughter, how are you this evening? Did you have fun today?" He asks with a smile. "I'm fine. I was having a little sparring match with Ichigo but Kenpachi interrupted us so I had to deal with him. It was nice going all out once again. But what have you summoned me here for grandfather?" He sighs sadly.

"I'm sorry if I disturbed you but this is important. Now that Aizen, Tosen and Gin have fled to Hueco Mundo, I need to send people out to search for them. I need you and a team of assassins to go and search and eliminate them. If elimination isn't possible, you may come back." He hands me a written form and I take it, looking over the team and the details.

I sigh as I head out and back to my barracks. I will leave at first light. I better say goodbye to everyone before I go. I enter my office and Shuhei looks up from his work. "What was it Captain?" He asks. I plop down into my seat, rubbing my temples. "I have to go to Hueco Mundo with a team of assassins and search for Aizen, Gin and Tosen. So I probably won't be back for awhile."

Shuhei smiles sadly and gets up. I get up also and he hugs me. "Stay safe Captain." I nod and head to my place to get a few things. Once I have everything I head back to the barracks and to the visitors area. I get to the living area and a few of Ichigo's friends are there. "Oh! Hello Captain Yuta! What are you doing here so late?" Rukia asks and Orihime and Chad look my way.

I smile as I walk over to them, sitting on the couch. "I'm heading out on an assignment. So I wanted to say goodbye to everyone." Rukia and Orihime make a sad face and scoot over to me, hugging me. I smile and hug them back. "I'm sure I'll see you guys soon. Take care of yourselves okay? You too Chad!" I look over at said man and he nods. "You as well Yuta."

"Where is Ichigo and Uryu?" I ask, standing up. "Ichigo is in his room and Uryu went out somewhere. I'll let him know you came by!" Orihime says. I thank her and head to Ichigo's room. I knock and Ichigo opens the door. "Oh! Hey Yuta! What's wrong? Why are you here so late at night?" He asks, his smile turning into a worried look.

He lets me come in and closes the door behind me. I sit on the bed and smile at him. "Nothing is wrong. I'm just heading out on an assignment and I won't be able to be there when you guys head home. So I wanted to say goodbye tonight. I'll see you guys once I get back. I'll visit. Make sure you chew out Kisuke for me okay?" He looks sadly at me and nods. "Do you know when you will be back? Where are you going?" He questions.

"I'm going to search for Aizen, Gin and Tosen in Hueco Mundo. I probably won't be back for a month or so." He suddenly gets upset when I bring up Aizen. "Why would the old man send you to go after them?!" I laugh slightly. "It's not just me. A team of assassins are coming with. We probably won't find them, but we can see where they will be at. I doubt it though. Hueco Mundo is a big place." He nods and looks at me sadly. "I guess this is goodbye for now than."

I nod and get up and he does as well. I hug him tightly and he hugs me back just as tight. "Be careful Yuta." He whispers to me. I smile and pull back slightly and kiss his cheek. "Don't worry about me Ichigo. I'll be fine. You be careful too. Definitely with how you just love to leak out spiritual energy." We both laugh and his face has a slight blush to it. I say goodbye and head to squad 6 barracks hospital area.

I say goodbye to Renji, as I found him in the halls on the way to the hospital area. I say goodbye to Byakuya and then I head to say goodbye to Toshiro too. I head back to my office to take a nap before heading out.

In the morning, I meet with the assassin team and we head to Hueco Mundo, not knowing if we will even find anything.

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