Chapter 25- Who I Truly Am?

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Hello my lovely readers! I deeply apologize for my absence. I found out that I'm pregnant, and I'm currently 5 months along. I had some complications so it's been tough. But lately I really wanted to write so here we are! Please enjoy, vote and comment!

Slight timeskip to when Orihime goes missing and they must go back. Also, she never goes on a date with Byakuya. Also guys, I haven't read TYBW arc so I will be going off of things I have heard that happens and I may add some things. Please remember this is a fanfiction.

Yuta POV

I look up at my grandfather on the screen. "We must return." I simply state after he says that we cannot risk going after Orihime. Grandfather opens his eyes slightly to look at me. "You don't object to this?" He questions. I hear Ichigo gasp next to me. I sigh. "No I don't." A senkaimon opens up behind us. "We must return to the Soul Society. That is an order. If anyone protests, they will have to deal with me." I state, closing my eyes.

Everyone gasps. Grandfather hums. "I guess sending Captains Kuchiki and Zaraki were not needed. Very well." I hear the screen click and I turn to head back. I begin to walk but someone holds onto my shoulder. I sigh and open my eyes and turn slightly. It's Ichigo. He's looking at me with so much emotion. Anger, hurt, confusion and.... Betrayal. "Why? Why won't you help?"

I sigh and close my eyes, still having my head turned toward him. I smirk. "What's so funny?" He asks irritated. I open my eyes to look at him. "It's funny that you would think I would ever break a promise. A promise to me is a promise to you. You have my back and I'll forever have yours. But honestly it's sad. It's sad looking into your eyes, and seeing betrayal written in them." I turn back around as his hand slides off my shoulder.

"I told you before Ichigo. Rely on others more. They might surprise you." I walk through the senkaimon with everyone in tow. Even Kenpachi and Byakuya. Nobody said a word. Nobody protested. It was silent the whole walk.

Upon arriving, I immediately head to the Head Captains quarters. I knock on the door and hear enter. I walk in and greet him. "You surprised me Yuta. Why did you agree to come to willingly?" He questions. I sigh. "I told you I know everything that happens to a point." He nods. "You know, Yuta. You will surpass me one day. When you truly find out who you truly are. I hope to be alive when that day comes." His words take me aback. Who I truly am?

He smiles at me. "You may go." He simply states. I absentmindedly nod and walk out. Is this about who talked to me? Who was behind that voice? I walk around, with thoughts absently running through my mind. Who has this power to turn back time like that? Who could even do that?

I decided to go to where we brought Ichigo to train. I needed time for myself. While there, I racked my brain to try to figure out who I truly was. My memories only go back so far. My earliest memory is when I entered the training academy. Where did I come from? Who was that voice? I sit on a rock and close my eyes, trying to remember my past.

Third Person POV

Head Captain Yamamoto smiles to himself as he walks to where Yuta has gone, along side him is Captain Unohana. She looks at him worriedly. "Do you really think this is a good idea? Letting her get her memories back? Don't you think something bad will happen?" She questions him. He hums to himself.

"She has learned new things. She has gained emotions. I believe everything will turn out just fine. But when it does happen, which will be soon, we must contain her energy. If it spreads out too far, it may kill every last one of anyone in the lower ranked seats, as well as every single soul." Unohana nods and focuses her energy to make sure she has enough to contain such an enormous amount of spiritual pressure.

Yuta hums to herself. "White. A palace. Pure." Suddenly her eyes open wide and she quickly stands up and holds her head in pain. She suddenly screams out in agonizing pain. Anyone within a mile would hear her screams. She tries to take a step but falls to her knees. She throws her arms out to her sides and her head tilts back as her eyes roll back into her head.

Suddenly a barrier surrounds Yuta. The head captain and Unohana are about 10 feet on each side of Yuta and are kneeling, both hands on the ground. "Barrier complete Head Captain." He grunts, as he pushes more of his spiritual pressure into the walls of the barrier. "Don't hold back Unohana. Keep pushing spiritual pressure until this is over. Any of her spiritual pressure leaks out, it's over." He states through gritted teeth. Unohana nods and focuses on the barrier.

As soon as the barrier goes up, immense amounts of spiritual pressure floods the barrier. As if a dam broke and water is flowing out of it. For 10 minutes this goes on, just spiritual pressure pouring out of Yuta. "How much longer is this going to take Head Captain?!" Unohana yells out in exhaustion. "Not much longer now. Her body is trying to adjust to all this now. Her mind is remembering everything. It takes time."

Yuta's spiritual pressure slowly begins to fade and it all stops. Now there is just dust flying inside the barrier. Unohana and the Head Captain look at each other and nod. They lift their hands and the barrier slowly disappears.

Yuta's POV

I slowly open my eyes and blink a few times. Everything is fuzzy. "Yuta? Yuta are you okay?" I hear someone ask. I groan and raise my hand up to my head, rubbing it. Slowly everything comes to focus and I see Unohana and the Head Captain looking at me worriedly. "Yuta, do you know who we are?" Unohana questions me.

I nod and everything rushes to the forefront of my mind. My eyes widen and I sit up fast. Everything starts spinning and Unohana kneels next to me. "Don't sit up so fast Yuta. Just take this slow." I hold my head in my hands and rub my face. "Why? Why did you force me to regain my memories?" I question, looking up to the Head Captain. He sighs. "It was time. You have learned everything you need to. You even have fallen in love Yuta. I know what we did was wrong, but..." He trails off and I sigh.

"So sealing my brother was your best option?" I question quietly. He doesn't answer but how's his head to me. "I'm sorry Yuta." He simply says. I groan and slowly stand with the help of Unohana. "So you have regained all your memories?" She questions while steadying me. "Yes. I remember everything that has happened. And I also remember everything after having my memories sealed away. I'm still me." I look at her and smile.

"You have changed a lot you know." I simply say to her and she smiles at me. "For the better?" She questions and I laugh. "Of course." I look at the Head Captain and smile. "But I want to thank you. For giving me this life." He smirks and nods. "Let's bring you back so you can rest. Your body needs time to adjust." I nod and we head back to my place. Unohana lays me down on my bed and covers me up. "Rest up Yuta. I'll come check on you later." I nod to her and they both leave.

I sigh and close my eyes. Immediately I'm brought to my inner world. Haru is standing there, waiting for me. "So, you have finally remembered huh?" He questions. I grunt and cross my arms. "If my memories were sealed, it means you didn't know either so shut it. Your apart of me now, instead of in my sword. So you should know everything now."

He sighs and nods. "Your the Soul Kings sister." He simply states. "We are. You are apart of me again."

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