Chapter 22- Go Back

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Hello again everyone! So so sorry for the wait ^_^' I've been trying to come up with some things and I've also just been honestly relaxing after such a drive. I live in Florida and drove all the way to Wisconsin with my husband and 2 year old. Driving with a 2 year old is tiring. Definitely on that long trip. But here is the next chapter and please enjoy! Don't forget to leave a vote and a comment! Thank you readers!

Third Person POV

After Ichigo finally snapped out of it and Ulquiorra was defeated, he looked over at Uryu and also seen Yuta. His eyes widen seeing her and his breathing almost stops. "I-is she...?" He begins to say but stops himself. Orihime walks over to her and flips her over. Blood is pooled all around her but her wounds seemed to have stopped bleeding and are slowly healing. She sighs in relief and looks back at Ichigo.

"She's fine. She was fighting Ulquiorra and got injured badly but it seems like she's slowly healing somehow." Orihime activates her power and puts a dome over her and Uryu to heal them. "She and Uryu will be fine Ichigo." Orihime states. Ichigo sighs, happy that they both will live. But he can't help but feel guilty. He did this. He hurt his friends, all because of this monster inside him. He clenches his fist.

After a crash and Uryu telling him to go help, Orihime, Uryu and Yuta are left alone together. "Do... Do you think Yuta is the same as Ichigo? She had a hollow mask as well." Orihime questions, looking at Yuta's unmoving body. Uryu looks at her as well and nods. "It seems like it, but I wonder how?" He answers back but not expecting an answer.

A couple of minutes go by in silence than suddenly Yuta sits up with a loud gasp, scaring the crap out of Orihime and Uryu. "Oh gosh! That was scary! I thought I died for a second there!" She says as she feels over her body, her shihakusho ripped in different places and her captains robe no where to be found. "Ugh! My robe! Grandfather won't be happy that I lost it again." She looks around and notices Orihime and Uryu looking at her weirdly. She chuckles and waves at them. "Oh hey guys! Sorry! Have you seen my robe? I must have tossed it when I went into Bankai. Oh? Where's Ichigo? He okay now?" She questions and her head darts left to right.

Uryu and Orihime sweatdrop at how easy going she is after being so close to death. She's acting like it's any other day. "We haven't seen it Yuta. But we were wondering something. What was with your hollow mask?" Uryu questions and she stops her looking and looks at them then sighs. "It's a long story. But, I'm a Visored. It's a shinigami that gained the powers of a hollow. I will explain later. But for now, where did Ichigo go? Did the fighting stop?" She questions as she grabs her zanpakuto that was laying next to her and puts it in her sheathe.

"He's down below with the others. It seems like they are still fighting down there. But I don't think you should move just yet Yuta. Your injuries are..." Orihime begins to say but Yuta cuts her off. "I'm fine now. It seems Haru healed me as well as you did. So I'm extra healed plus my spiritual energy is peaked as well. So I'm fine Orihime. Take care of Uryu." Yuta stands out of Orihime's little dome and walks over to the opening in the floor (or would it be ceiling?) and looks back at them. "See you two later. I'll explain everything once this is all settled!" She waves as she jumps into the hole and falls down to the sandy ground, which will take a bit since they are so high up.

Meanwhile, Ichigo showed up to save Rukia from Yami but got caught in his ginormous right grip himself but got saved by Byakuya and Kenpachi. Mayuri showed up as well as Ichigo was fussing about defeating Yami before he goes back to the World of The Living and he has to get Kisuke to do it. Mayuri decided he's sending him back to the World of the Living as a test subject. Then Unohana showed up telling him not to worry about it because she is going with.

Suddenly, as Byakuya was talking about Ichigo going back and his duty to protect Karakura Town, a large crash appears next to Byakuya and sand flies up. Everyone's eyes widen. "He's right Ichigo! You need to protect your town! So just leave this to us!" Yuta yells out with a smile on her face as the dust settles. Ichigo's mouth drops open and points toward her. "B-b-but... you...." He stammers out. Yuta chuckles as she rubs the back of her head. "Well Haru healed me plus with some of Orihime's healing, I'm back to 100%. So, don't worry about it. Oh! And also..." She begins to walk up to him and knocks him over the head, causing him to fall into the sand face first.

He sits back up quickly, sand pouring out of his mouth in a comical way. "What the heck was that for?!" He yells out at her as she puts her hands on her hips. "Stop being stupid and let other help every once and awhile. Stop relying on yourself so much. It's okay to ask for help! Your not alone in this, this is just as much our fight as it is yours. And also..." She leans forward and whispers to him. "It's not your fault. But you need to accept him. He is apart of you now. He also saved you from death. Don't let what happened effect you so much. Keep your head held high and be proud of what and who you are, Ichigo Kurosaki." She stands back up straight and gives him a closed eyed smile.

"Go and protect Karakura Town." She says with her smile and Ichigo's eyes widen. How did she...? He questions himself but shakes his head and his eyes focus and nods. He stands back up and looks to where Mayuri and his Lieutenant are standing on beams to open the Garganta. Rukia runs over, yelling out to him and Yuta turns and focuses on Byakuya, walking up to his right and looks up at him.

He looks down at her, his eyes hard. Yuta sighs and looks down at the ground. "I know you have questions, and I'm sorry I can't answer them right away. I promise to explain everything when this fight is over." She looks back up at him and he is giving her a soft look. "Than I will wait until then. I look forward to it." She giggles and gives him a closed eyed smile as she grabs hold of his hand. He chuckles and holds her hand back, happy she is alive. She scared him after she left, for a second, her spiritual energy was almost gone, he panicked and started to rush over here. But as he got closer, it seemed to be getting better, so he started to slow down, happy that she was fine.

In the background, you can hear Kenpachi fighting Yammy as Ichigo leaves through the Garganta with Unohana. Then Byakuya says some things to Mayuri and they chat for a minute as Yuta zones out, thinking about everyone that's fighting in the World of the Living.

Hey guys! So sorry this chapter is short. I just wanted to put a chapter out there for now. I'm having serious writers block.

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