Chapter 27- Ichigo

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Hello everyone! I apologize for the long delay but without further ado!

Third Person POV
Slight Timeskip to after the battle

Even though Yuta knew what was going to happen with Ichigo almost dying, she still freaked out, but this time, she didn't change. She thought it was due to her memories returning as well as her spiritual pressure. When she returned to the Soul Society along with Byakuya and Kenpachi, her squad was there to greet her. She smiled at them and walked over to the closest soul reaper. "Is Shuhei back yet?"

"Yes Captain! He's at the squad 4 recovery wing." He answers and Yuta nods in understanding. "Give me a report of what happened in the world of the living." She commands as she watches Byakuya and Kenpachi walk off. The soul reaper obliges and informs her of everything that happened. Yuta's eyes widen when they inform her of Ichigo being brought here after he passed out.

"Where is he?!" Yuta exclaims and he flinched at her loud commanding voice. "Rukia brought him to your guest wing." Immediately Yuta takes off there, hoping with everything that he recovers quickly. Now that Yuta does not know what is going to happen, it unnerves her. In a way, she wished she could see into the future like her brother at times like this.

Once arriving, Rukia, Orihime, Chad and Uryu were all there and informed her in more detail of what was happening. Yuta couldn't believe her ears. Ichigo was going to lose his soul reaper powers. She didn't want to believe it but once she contacted Urahara, he confirmed everything. She didn't want to make any plans until he woke up, so she went back to paperwork and training. Yuta made sure that every night, when she returned from her duties, she would always visit Ichigo, holding his hand and hoping he would wake up soon.

Soon enough, it's been weeks now and Ichigo has yet to wake up. Shuhei has become increasingly worried about his Captain's mental health. He quickly took notice of how depressed she looked everyday. Yuta began to sleep less and less each night and last night, she didn't sleep at all. Each one of Ichigo's friends took notice of this as well. They were worried for their close friend as well, but they became even more worried about Yuta. When Yuta entered the room that Ichigo was staying in, Ichigo's friends, including Rukia were already there. Yuta sighed heavily as she closed the door behind her.

"You shouldn't sigh that heavily Yuta. Don't tell me that those bags under your eyes are because of me?" Ichigo's voice drifted into Yuta's ears and her head snapped up to look at him. Ichigo had a soft smile on his face. His orange hair was unkempt and his eyes were softly looking at her. Tears immediately fell from her eyes and Ichigo opened up his arms to her. Everyone smiled lightly as Yuta ran into Ichigo's awaiting arms. Warmth swelled into Yuta's heart.

He was okay. Ichigo was alive, and awake. Yuta felt so safe and secure in his arms. She felt so weak and afraid lately. She was afraid of losing him, she never wanted to leave this safety. "It's okay now. I'm here." Ichigo softly says to Yuta as he strokes her hair as she's crying into his chest. A couple minutes go by and Yuta finally calms down. Once she was calm enough, Yuta finally could tell him who she truly was. Everyone was shocked to say the least, but they still saw her as their friend.

When no one said anything, Yuta began to worry. "Are you mad at me?" She questions them. Ichigo smiles at her and reaches forward, grabbing her hand into his. "You're still Yuta. It doesn't matter who you were before." Everyone nods, agreeing with Ichigo's words. Yuta smiled widely. "Thank you everyone." Eventually, everyone began to head out and all that was left was Ichigo and Yuta.

Ichigo began to fidget slightly and Yuta giggled. He was so cute sometimes. Yuta shuffled to sit next to him. "What will happen with us now? Eventually I won't be able to see you anymore." Ichigo says and Yuta laughs. An irk mark appears on his head. "This is serious Yuta!" He exclaims which makes Yuta laugh more. She wipes a stray tear in the corner of her eye.

"You think too much ahead Ichigo. Let's take this one step at a time. Little by little. As for not being able to see me, you remember our gigai's right?" Yuta smiles at him and takes his hands. "We got this Ichigo. No matter what happens in the future. I will always be by your side. Even when I have to come back here for a time, my heart is always with you." Ichigo smiles softly and squeezes her hands lightly and turns kissing her cheek which makes her blush.

Ichigo chuckles and let's go of one of her hands, bringing it up to the side of her face. He turns Yuta's face to face him and slightly leans forward. Yuta closes her eyes and leans the rest of the way. They're lips mold together perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle finally coming together to make a beautiful picture. Yuta felt so full in her heart, having this guy with her, she felt like whatever the future holds, as long as he was next to her, she would be okay.

This is the end of the Aizen ARC. In the next chapter, I will kind of start off with TYBWA. I will go over stuff that happened between now and then. That will be next. Thank you all so much for your patience and I promise to update more often!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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