Chapter 20- I Love You

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Yuta POV- The Next Day

"Hey there Ichigo! You look like you need some help Huh?" I say smugly with a smirk on my face. Ichigo's eyes are wide with shock. "Yuta!" He exclaims as my smirk turns into a wide smile as I hold up my sword above my head, holding off a punch from some Arrancar. "Are you really Yuta?" He questions like I'm not really me. I raise an eyebrow at him. "What? You can't tell it's me? Have they knocked you around so much that your brain is gone?" I question him.

Suddenly the weight of the Arrancar's fist is lifted and I look up at the Bull-like Arrancar. "And just who might you be?" I lower my sword and raise an eyebrow at the Bull Arrancar. "I see you don't intend to answer." He states and raises his fist once more and a smirk appears on my face. I sense something analyzing my power. The Arrancar pulls back his fist in a sorry attempt of an attack. My smirk grows into a full smile once more. "Very well than. I'll kill you!" His fist is thrown at me. I hear someone yell not too far away. "Don't charge, you idiot! Get back Tesla!"

But it was too late. I slice through him with no mercy. Right now, more than ever, I cannot show any mercy toward any of them. "Master Nnoitra." The Arrancar who's name is Tesla whispers out and falls down to the ground as blood gushed out of his wounds. I swing my sword in the air, getting rid of the troublesome blood and turn to the guy that yelled at Tesla. "So, are you next?" I question him and point my sword at him. He grunts, obviously reluctant to face me.

I smirk at him. "Come on, your next right?" I question him. I suddenly hear Ichigo behind him. "Yuta. I don't get it. Why are you here? Am I wrong? I thought the soul Society pulled out of this fight." I glance behind him and wave my hand his way and my Sakura petals lift him up and toss him aside. "Ichigo!" Orihime yells out in worry for him. "Don't worry. He's fine. But it's time you stand aside Ichigo."

He sit up quickly with an irk mark on his forehead. "What was that for Yuta?" He questions me. I glance back at him once more. "Oh? You feeling better now?" I question with my eyebrow raised at him. "No! I feel like crap? What's the story? How'd you get here?" He questions. I turn my head back around. "Kisuke. Seems that awhile ago, he was given a bunch of orders from my grandfather. That was back when the showdown was set for winter. Kisuke was ordered to stabilize this underground cavern called Garganta. He was to make sure it was safe so Captain level personnel could pass to Hueco Mundo." I begin to say to him.

"They expected it would take him three months to finish the job, but Kisuke claimed he'd be done with it in one months time. Before he could carry out his assignment, our friend Orihime got snatched away." Suddenly a dust cloud appears next to me and Kenpachi appears in the dust cloud and I smirk at him. Yachiru pops out from Kenpachi's back. "Yeah! So that's why Yu-chan and Kenny are here because that cavern finally got fixed up!" "Yachiru, you just keep your mouth shut!" He yells at her. "Told you I would beat you here!" I say to Kenpachi with a smirk on my face. He grunts and looks away.

"Whatever. I told you I could handle this by myself." He says begrudgingly. I scoff and roll my eyes, placing my sword up on my shoulder. "And I told you that I would protect Ichigo, without needing your help. You can go find someone else to fight. This one is mine." I state matter of factly. He smirks at me. "Oh? But don't you want to run to your dear boyfriend?" He questions teasingly. I blush and look away from him. "He isn't my boyfriend. Besides, I sent a petal with him, Haru will let me know if he needs my help or not."

Suddenly the Arrancar swings down at me and Kenpachi blocks it. I growl at Kenpachi. "Hey! I told you this guy is mine!" I yell at him. "Too slow. Just run to your boyfriend Yuta. I got this." I scoff and put my sword back into its sheathe on my lower back and look back at Ichigo. "I'm glad your still alive Ichigo. Don't push yourself so hard. I will see you soon." I smile at him and shunpo away, in the direction of Byakuya's spiritual pressure.

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