Chapter 21- Yuta Looses Control

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Yuta POV

As Rukia was being healed some more, Aizen told us he was heading to Karakura town, but when he arrived there, he was met with the rest of the Captains and lieutenants. He also closed our passageways to get out of here. After being healed, Rukia took off to help Ichigo at the Fifth tower and Isane came to make sure that Byakuya was healed as well.

I'm sitting cross legged on the ground meditating, waking for Isane to be done with Byakuya so we can head over and help as well when suddenly I can't sense someone's spiritual pressure. My eyes fly open so fast I thought my eyes might pop out of my head. I quickly get up from the ground looking in the direction of the Fifth tower, squinting my eyes. Byakuya looks over at me, I can feel his eyes on my back, probably wondering what's going on.

"Are you okay Yuta?" Byakuya questions but I don't have an answer for him. As I'm searching, I feel Chad's, Renji, Rukia, Uryu and even Orihime but I don't feel Ichigo's. I gasp as my eyes widen and something in me snaps. "NOOOO!!!" I scream out at the top of my lungs, my voice not even sounding as myself. It sounded like a cross between my voice, Haru, Shi and my hollow side. Each one of us knows my vow, my promise I make to myself every time we fight. That we shall protect all of our friends. Protect them with our lives. But not sensing Ichigo has sent me back to back then. Back when I couldn't save Kaien, when he was killed by that hollow.

I forgave Rukia a long time ago. She put him out of his misery. She saved him from a date worse than death. She also avenged him by killing the hollow she fought before that other guy came along. She told me about it while she was being healed. It brought more peace to my mind. I probably wouldn't be able to fight him if he had Kaien's face. So I'm glad it was her. But not sensing Ichigo right now, I can't even feel anything.

I hang my head low as black seems to invade my vision but I don't stop it, stop her. "I promised..." I whisper out before everything goes black.

Third person POV

Byakuya's eyes widen upon hearing Yuta scream out like that. He has never heard her voice sound like that. Her head begins to hang low and she whispers something that he couldn't hear. But shortly after she whispered, her spiritual pressure bursts out of her like a waterfall that was blocked. Within the lavender color spirit energy around her, she turns her head to Byakuya and he gasps. She has a hollow mask over her face. "I'm sorry Byakuya, but we made a promise and she isn't in the right mind set to handle it. Don't wait up." Yuta says in a hollow voice. That isn't her. Byakuya thought as his eyes widen even more.

She turns and at incredible speed, takes off to the Fifth tower, probably even faster than Yoruichi's flash step. He looks at the tiny cloud of dust she left behind and closes his eyes. What are you keeping from me Yuta? He asks himself.

(For confusion sake, I will put in bold letters for when it's Hollow Yuta, her name. Like instead of Yuta. It will be, Yuta.)

Yuta was coming up fast to the Fifth tower and Renji, Chad and Rukia looks over at the fast approaching spiritual pressure. Along with the hollow's that they were fighting. But as soon as it was close enough, they realized it was similar to Yuta's and they smiled, happy that reinforcements were here to help. But once she was close enough, she jumped up with so much force to cause a small crater in the sand where she jumped. So she's heading for Ichigo? Good. Everyone thought and continued fighting.

Are you sure about this? Do you think her body can handle it? Haru asked Yuta. She grunts in response. Of course she can. It was just her mind that couldn't handle it. You felt it, she didn't resist when I took over, because she knew that when she saw Ichigo, she would freeze up. So she let me take over. We can handle this. Haru grunts in response but doesn't verbally respond, knowing that hollow Yuta was right.

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