Chapter 23- A Sudden Change

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Hello my lovely readers! I sincerely apologize for my long absence. I had incredible writers block and I had no idea what I wanted to do or where I wanted to go with this story. But I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did writing this up! Thank you so much for your patience!

Yuta POV

Everything is dark. Just darkness and emptiness. She could feel herself sort of floating through the dark but she didn't know what was going on. Haru? What is going on? I try to reach out to my zanpakuto but I hear nothing in reply. I tremble slightly about the empty feeling I am getting. Suddenly a hard and loud voice booms through the darkness.

"Choose." The voice simply says. Choose? Choose what? Two lights begin to shine before my eyes. As my eyes adjust to the sudden brightness that formed, I gasp. Ichigo and Byakuya? What is this? Am I choosing who lives and dies? Who I want? What is the meaning of this?

I growl lowly. "Aizen, if this is you and you're tricking me with your illusions, I'm going to kill you!" I yell out. "No." The voice booms out again. Well the voice didn't sound like Aizen to my knowledge. I sigh and close my eyes. Why is this happening? The last thing I remember, I was with Byakuya and we just seen Ichigo off back to the world of the living from Hueco Mundo. How is this happening?

I know I have Byakuya since he was a young boy but Ichigo is meant to save everyone. And everyone needs him. Everyone relies on him. I know Byakuya could face off anyone if he needed to protect himself. So if this is about choosing who lives then...

"I choose Ichigo." I state as I open my eyes. The voice hums. "This will be your last time to change anything Yuta. The last time until we meet once again. Take your time and make this last." What does it mean? This is my last time? I've done this before? And meet once again? I've never heard this voice before. "Since this is the last time, you will remember what has happened before. Make the most of it. Goodbye, Yuta." When the voice said my name, it sounded... Softer.

Suddenly I jolt awake, blinking my eyes rapidly. I look around and I notice I'm in the medical unit of the soul Society. I hum and wince slightly. I look down and notice my torso wrapped up. Hmmm. I undo the bandages and I gasp. It's my wound from Aizen! And it looks fresh! A fresh scar instead of one that is almost a year old. I start to breathe a little heavier. Haru? I question, hoping he is there.

Yes M'lady? He quickly answers back and I gasp. Your here! Thank goodness your here! I can hear him hum in confusion. What are you talking about M'lady? I've always been here. I sigh outwardly. Oh yeah, he wasn't answering before so he probably doesn't know. What was that voice? Why am I back to when Aizen first betrayed us and went to Hueco Mundo? What the heck is going on?

I quickly get up and at that moment a nurse comes in and quickly notices me and gasps. "You shouldn't be out of bed yet Captain!" She rushes over but I push her away as I stumble to my uniform and Captains robe. "I'm fine. I need to see the Head Captain right away. I know Aizen is gone. But this is an emergency." I rush the words out and put my clothes on as quick as possible. Everything that has happened from now till when I blacked out is running through my head.

I'm about to head out the door but Unohana stops me. "Captain Yuta. What is the hurry?" She looks at me with a frown. "I need to go talk to grandpa. I...I... I don't know what's happening right now but he needs to hear what happened to me. You should come too. Along with Shunsui and Jushiro." I state and two of my petals come out and I nod to them. They fly out the window and into the air to send the message.

She nods and helps me along to the Head Captains quarters. Once we get there, Shunsui and Jushiro are already there. "What's going on Yuta?" Shunsui questions worriedly. "What is the emergency?" Jushiro questions and walks to my other side to help Unohana walk me up to the giant door. "I need you guys to hear what I'm about to tell grandfather. You guys are the, no offense, but oldest soul reapers currently here and you might have answers." They look at each other and shrug.

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