Street madness

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AUTHORS NOTE; Sorry that it took me so long to update. It's a short chapter so that it can get ready for the next, I feel like the story is dragging now so I will end it, and this time I won't change my mind and bring it back haha, but enjoy! and it's also a bit of a cliff hanger!- Jessica :)

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Jessica's P.O.V

I woke up on the first morning in our new flat. I expected to roll to the side and see Niall's eyes staring into mine. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. 
I had turned to the side to see a empty, but slept in bed.

I sat up and yawned.  
I was just about to get up and head towards the kitchen when the door burst open and Niall came in the room carrying a tray of food.

"Good morning beautiful" He smiled as he placed the tray on my lap.
"Morning" I rubbed my eyes

He sat down beside me on the side of the bed where he had slept and placed his hand in mine, sitting so close, that our bodies were touching.
"what's this for?" I asked
"Because I love you"

I smiled "i love you too" placing a kiss on his cheek

I looked down towards the tray of food that was stil on my lap.
Yum, pancakes, with ice-cream on the side and a flower placed along side it. A rose to be exact.

"Today is going to be a day where I just spoil you"
"I don't want that silly" I laughed
"You don't get a choice" He teased. I rolled my eyes.

After I had finished my breakfast, I jumped in the shower. Then brushed my teeth and my hair. Niall wanted to spend the day walking the streets and showing me off to everyone. I quote his words, not mine. To be honest, we hardly have been out on the streets since we started dating again. In interviews, he says that he is seeing someone, not dating, but I guess the fans know the truth, they are a smart fanbase and things don't go un noticed. 

"You ready Jess?" He called from outside the bathroom door while gently knocking on it.
"Nearly!" I called as I brushed the last strands of hair and then puffing it up while pouting in the mirror. It's not like I plan to pout when I fix my hair, it just happens naturally.  

We spent the day walking along the streets of London being followed my fans and by paparazzi. 
We could hardly talk to each other due to the amount of noise that was caused by the screaming girls, crying girls and by the cameras flashing. I counted around ten paparazzi.

I wasn't sure if it was just my eyes playing up or if I saw who I saw. I had been seeing him in the crowd all day, but it couldn't be. I held onto Niall's hand a little tighter and he gave me a concerned look and mouthed "are you ok?"

I didn't want to worry him until I knew for sure, that I was seeing something that was actually there and not just being paranoid, so I kept my mouth shut and just tried my best to act like I was fine, so I gave him my best fake smile and nodded.

We rushed into a coffee shop and the security waited in front of the doors so that none of the paparazzi and screaming girls could reach us and so we could have some alone time.  

"Are you sure you're ok?" He asked again
"I'm fine" I lied
"you know you can tell me"
I nodded "I know"

We sat away from the all the windows while we drank our coffee and ate our cake so that we didn't get any photos taken of us. Niall was busy shoving food in his mouth when I was taking tiny sips from my cup and looking out the window from the other side of the shop, I saw him, standing there and smiling. He was just staring into the window. I chocked on my coffee and started to cough loudly, drawing all attention to me.

"Jess?" Niall asked with a mouth full of food
"Look out the window, is it just me, or is it him?"

Niall turned his head in the direction that I was pointing and chocked aswel "What the fuck" He spat his cake. "i think we should go through the back way" 
I nodded in agreement. Niall told the lady that he would leave the right amount of money on the table because we had to hurry out.

We rushed out of the cafe to be greeted by the guy who was possibly the most scariest man in the world.

 how did he get there, behind the cafe so quickly? I don't know.
Why was he there? I also didn't know,  

Niall Horan I love youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora