You're on like donkey kong

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Hey guys, sorry if this chapter isn't so good, I had school again for the first time in a week so my day drained me and i'm tired and al my thoughts and ideas are just all shitty, this was the best that came out, i still wanted to update for you guys! thankyou so far for all your lovely comments, please continue to comment and vote and enjoy! -Jessica :)))

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Jessica's P.O.V

"Change of plans" Emma said as she hung up the phone. "The restaurant that we were meant to go to canceled our reservation" She seemed upset seeming as how close we were to arriving.

"Don't worry about it" Harry smiled, "We will go somewhere else"

"Like where?" She was so disappointed.

"We can go back to my place, the lads are out and it will be empty" He suggested

We had all agreed to go back to Harry and Niall’s place to order in Chinese and rent a movie, the only problem was that me and Emma still had our dresses on and it wasn’t the ideal outfit we would want to be in for a laid back date, doesn’t matter.

“Welcome to my casa” Harry joked switching on the light revealing the well-furnished and roomy house.

A few hours had passed, we ate our Chinese and we had watched out movie, which happened to be Mean girls, but only because me and Emma had forced them to sit through it, they didn’t seem to care. Emma was trying to flirt, but was failing miserably, Niall was just laughing at her like he always does, but Harry was flirting with me, and he was a good flirt! I found myself blushing a few times because the things he said was so cute and thoughtful, I don’t know if he was being sincere or not.

“Jess, lets give Niall and Emma some alone time” He winked and grabbed my hand and leaded me into the spare bedroom upstairs.

“Emma looked like she wanted to be alone with Niall,” He said as he closed the door behind us and stopped when he realized I was Niall’ ex “You don’t care, do you?” He turned his head slightly to the side, the way a confused puppy would.

I laughed, “No I don’t, I wouldn’t have suggested a double date if I cared”

He laughed a little to hard

“Stop” we heard a scream from downstairs as we heard something shatter across the floor. We ran downstairs quickly to see what happened and sure enough Emma was in the kitchen at the bench with a broken glass bowl in front of her

“What happened?” an annoyed Harry asked.

“I was cooking him something to eat because he was still hungry and the idiot tried to grab the bowl from me, so I let go and he let go at the same time and it smashed, as you can see,” she explained.

“You interrupted mine and Jess’s kissing” I knew he was joking, but I was worried that the others wouldn’t catch on. Niall erupted like a volcano.

“What the fuck Harry!” He pushed his band member up against the wall

“I’m joking man relax!” Harry pushed Niall off of him, they both looked over to Emma and me, we were shocked, and in complete surprise, why did he do that?

“Niall seriously” I started “who cares?”

“I know but, you don’t kiss on the first date” I think he was lying, you can never be to sure.

Niall’s P.O.V

I don’t know what came over me, I guess it’s just that I still love Jessica and I don’t want her falling into the arms of Harry, that’s the last thing I wanted, to go up against a smooth talker, I would stand no chance if that was the case, but lucky it wasn’t what had happened, but I did seem to annoy Jess, the look on her face and the way she stormed out of the house mumbling something said it all.

“Harry…” I started to say as I was interrupted

“I like Jess, she’s cool”

What did he just say? He liked her? As a friend? Or more? Please only as a friend

“As a friend” I laughed

He grinned “she’s really interesting, I’m gonna try with her”

I couldn’t believe the words I was hearing, he knows how I feel and he knows my plan and he just knows! How could he do this to me?

“Harry, why?” I was so disappointed in him “you know how I feel”

“Yeah man, but lets face it, she doesn’t want you anymore”

I felt my body heating up and I could feel my face going red, and if it were a cartoon, the steam would have already fired from my ears. I looked up to see Harry making his way upstairs “no” I said

“What?” he stopped and faced me

“I will win her heart, not you”

“Want a bet?” he was standing close to me now looking me in the eyes

“You’re on”

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