Shhh it's a secret

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- 5 months later -

Niall's P.O.V

"Do you reckon I should?" 
I trusted  in Liam to give me advice if the idea that I had, was in fact a good one. 

"You love her, and she loves you, I think that if you guys are ready, yes, you should"  He assured me. 
"I'll go tonight" 
"So happy for you man" He patted me on the back and headed off towards the backyard to meet with Zayn and Lou.

"Good morning" Jess came strolling down the hall and kissed me on the cheek. "How'd you sleep?"
"I didn't, I had a lot on my mind"
"Is everything ok?" The worry broke through on her face as she sat down beside me placing her hand on my knee.

"I'm perfect" I laughed 
"Don't lie to me"
"I'm not" I assured her that everything was fine 

"So what are we doing today?" 
"Well I have to go out, you can't come, but spend the day with the boys"

I could tell that what I said had hurt her, but she couldn't know what I had planned, it was a surprise, one that hopefully she liked and accepted. I wish I was able to tell her just so that she didn't look upset.  

"I'll spend the day with Harry" She tried to put on her best fake smile, I didn't believe it, but pretended that I did to save myself from getting into a small fight. 

She kissed my nose and strolled down towards the backyard. 
As I watched her jump on Harry's back, him running with her hanging off of him and then tripping over his own feet causing them both to fall, leaving Harry with the catch of the hard floor and Jess with a softer landing.

I chuckled to myself before heading off out the front door.

Jessica's P.O.V

When Niall had told me I couldn't come with him to where ever he was going, I won't lie, it did hurt me, not because I don't trust him but just because I want to spend as much time with him as I can , I am always the happiest when I am around him. 

"Owch!" I laughed as I tumbled on top of Harry
Harry moaned and held onto his shoulder which he must have hurt pretty badly, since he fell in an odd way with his body all over the place.

"You're a clutz" Lou laughed and helped him up 
"Shush you" Harry dusted himself off and walked over towards me extending his hand to help me up. 

"I can lift myself" I teased, standing up from the floor. 
"Sorry M'am" He saluted. I rolled my eyes. 

"Sorry to bother you guys, but I will be spending the day with you" 
"No problem at all love" Zayn smiled "We haven't spent that much time with you for a few months" 
"I know true. I've missed you guys" 

They all rolled their eyes and nodded, surrounding me in a small circle so that I couldn't escape. 
I felt 4 pair of hands grab onto my body and carry me towards the pool. Not this again, they always seem to love throwing me in the pool whenever I am outside and whenever it isn't that warm outside.

"Put my down" I screamed trying to kick my legs and wave my arms all over the place but they had their hold on me tight, and by me kicking and screaming only made them hold onto me stronger. 

I felt myself being thrown into the air, and having a water filled landing. 
I sunk to the bottom and then floated to the surface, clearing the wet hair off of my face.  

"Do you enjoy this?" I splashed
They all nodded before Louis spoke "We just like seeing you in a wet white T shit" He pointed to my top

I rolled my eyes and covered my chest "Perv" 
"You got that right" Zayn winked.

They all stripped down into nothing but their boxers and jumped in the pool causing the water to wave and splash. Half of the pool water was now on the grass and concrete around it. 
"Could have jumped in one at a time idiots, now half the water is outside"

"You'll live love" Liam joked
"What if I don't? You will forever have my blood on your hands"

I loved how all the lads could take a joke and never took my comments seriously. I tend to say mean jokes once in a while and I am glad that they have never been offended because that is the last thing I would want, especially since I am living with them, being in a fight with all the boys would be massively awkward, I would be forever isolating myself in my room if that was the case.

A few hours later, we were still outside, sitting on the grass, drying off and having a chat. 
I heard the door quietly creep open and heard footsteps tip toeing throughout the house. 

"I need to pee" I lied making my way inside
"NO" All the boys shouted and ran towards the door blocking my way inside. 
"I'll piss on you if you want" 
"Gross" Liam cringed, "You just can't go in" 

"Am I not aloud to see my boyfriend?" 
"No" Zayn answered, but also half questioned if he was saying the right thing. 
"That's right Zayn" Harry patted him on the back "good boy"

I looked through the window to see if I could spot Niall and see what he was doing. I saw his shadow go up the stairs and heard a door shut which sounded close, so I was guessing that it was the door to my room.

I sighed and headed back towards where we were once sitting, keeping the whole situation on my mind.

What was he doing?  

Niall Horan I love youWhere stories live. Discover now