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Niall's P.O.V

The lads and I had an interview planned for today so we had to leave Jess back at the house alone. 

She said she didn't mind but I felt bad that we couldn't bring her along with us.

I also had a lot of things on my mind because I had a feeling that the interviewer would ask who was single and who wasn't. I didn't know if I was meant to put my hand up to say I was single or not, because what happens if I didn't and Jess thought we were, or what if I put my hand up to say we were a couple and Jess didn't think that and then thought we were moving to fast. I started to hyperventilate. 

"Niall man , what's wrong?" Liam noticed me having a mini heart attack. 

"Over thinking" I breathed deeply.

"Man, you have to calm down, we are nearly at the interview" Lou joined in the conversation.

Harry and Zayn were sitting towards the back of the van hitting each other playfully and laughing because it hurt. I will never understand what goes through their minds when they are bored.

"We're here lads" The driver called to us pulling to a stop.

As we piled out of the van and into the building, there were screaming fans all around holding signs and wearing One Direction tops. Girls were crying and some where falling to the floor and being carried out of the way by security guards.

The screaming filled our eardrums as Louis mouthed to me "Wow".

None of us will ever get used to this. it was something that would never sink in.

We always felt bad when we couldn't stop for the fans, we just owe them so much as the lads would always say, stupid security.


We walked into the room where we would be getting interviewed. 

There were 2 leather couches placed by each other in the form of an L shape.

Louis, Zayn and Liam sat on one and Harry and I sat on the other.

We waited for about 10 minutes until the lady who would be interviewing us walked in.

She was tall and blond. She was wearing a peach colour skirt and white sleeveless top with black heals.

Harry's jaw dropped as he studied her from head to toe

I nudged him "Eyes to yourself"

He laughed nudging me back.

 "Hello boys" She smiled and sat down on the single seat in front of us. 

"Are you ready?" She continued

"Lets get started" Liam said clapping his hands together and then rubbing them.

The video camera turned on and the interview got started.

"I'm here with the boys from One Direction, asking them the questions that you guys sent in!" She was looking directly towards the camera and then changed her focus to us

"So boys, What's it like to be in the biggest boy band!"

We all looked at each other to see who was going to be the first to answer

"i think it's just being able to do something we love" Louis started smiling at the rest of the boys.

"And I don't think it ever sinks in, we don't go to bed every night thinking, I'm in the biggest boy band" Harry added.

She nodded her head and looked down to the piece of paper she was holding, I held my breathe until the question was read. 

"Who's the funniest in the band?"

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