I love you not so much

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  • Dedicated to @ChristinaStar1D

Jessica's P.O.V

My eyelids slowly started to open and my ears started to adjust to the noise around me as I started to wake up. i could feel a sensation on my lips which caused me to wake up. Up close to my face was Harry's. His lips pressed against mine. Why must people look like fish when you are kissing them? I held in my laughter and moved my lips in sync with his before pulling away

"Good morning" He spoke "I hope you liked your good morning kiss"

"Thank-you, I did" it wasn't all a lie anymore. "You stayed with me all night?" I pointed towards Harry's bare chest

"of course I did" he laughed "Did you really think I would let you stay alone all night after something so horrible?"

"I guess not" I forced a smile

He pulled me close to his body again and held me tightly, he planted a kiss on my cheek right on the corner of my lips, slowly kissing down to my neck and making his way to my collar bone. I'm not going to lie, I have always loved gentle neck kisses, which was exactly what Harry was doing. 

"You look like an angel when you sleep, you know that?"

"You watched me sleep?" I gasped pretending to be scared pushing him ever so slightly away from me. 

"Yes, yes I did" He pushed back

We both laughed before there was a silence that filled that room. 

"Jess" Harry finally spoke "Niall said I should ask you something"


"He said that there was something you had to tell me and that you were hiding from me...but in different words"

"Oh" I hesitated "it's not the time to say it"

"i love you too" He said

I stared at him with an o shaped mouth. Did I really just hear the words he had just said? Those 3 words  that were so powerful. He thought what I had to tell him that I loved him! But I didn't! How do I tell him something like that? It would crush his heart.

I quickly shot back a smile to make it not obvious what I was thinking.

"he was mad when he told me that I should talk to you, so I guessed he was jealous because you love me not him"

I nodded to spare the drama and having to explain myself.

He kissed me on the cheek and left my room.

What just happened?

After I had finally decided to get up out of bed and get dressed I walked downstairs to find a house of 5 boys throwing pillows across the room at each other laughing and screaming at the top of their lungs. You could hear Niall's laugh the most. 

"JESSIICCAAAAA" Zayn screamed as he ran up to me giving me a bear hug "How are you feeling love?"

What a stupid question.

"How you would feel when you find out your father is dead" I snapped back. Maybe I shouldn't have been so mean, he was just trying to make me feel better.

Zayn nodded, he knew that I would be grumpy and upset so didn't take offence to my moody comment.

"I'm sorry" I still said even though he understood

"It's fine love, really" he smiled giving me another hug.

"What do you want to do today?" Louis pushed us away from each other and replacing Zayn's arms with his "Anything you want" He added

Niall Horan I love youWhere stories live. Discover now