Date for 3

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Sorry guys for a shitty chapter. it was kind of a bridge, cause things are about to get really good in the next chapter! it's going to be a good one!

Niall’s P.O.V

Harry and I decided to go for a walk, he wanted to try and cheer me up because of the fact that Jess had another date.

“Man cheer up” he nudged me

“I can’t believe she’s moved on” my hands fell into my pockets “she said she would always love me”

“She might always love you, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be other guys in her life, and you simply have to deal with that” The youngest member was being wise.

“Yeah I know, I just never thought there would be anyone else”

“You two were so in love, you never told me why you guys broke it off”

“It was all hidden, it was just one of those things”

“What do you mean”?

“Lets just say, she could handle it, I couldn’t, and I was stupid to think it was affecting her”

My curly haired friend was confused but I didn’t bother to explain it to him. I couldn’t be bothered torturing myself through the story, I would probably cry telling it.

We were walking for over an hour, and we passed by Phillips Park. Harry didn’t know this was where I asked Jess to be my girlfriend, I kept my mouth shut, I didn’t want to make a fuss.

At this point I was walking behind Harry when he made a sudden stop which caused me to bump into him “Harry what the –.” And then I immediately saw what he saw.

Jessica and Mark all cuddled up on a bench, she was wearing a red dress, and she looked stunning. The moonlight hit her and only her, like she was an angel, and to me she was.

She was MY princess, no matter who she may be dating.

Harry had screamed my name because we was so shocked, that was the point where Jessica looked up so fast it could have given her blood rush, and it caused Mark to see what she was so fascinated in. He turned his head towards her and put his hand on her leg and said something, I can’t lip read.

“Shit” I mumbled as I saw him walking over to Harry and me.

“Does he know?”

“I don’t know”

He had a smile on face, so I assumed that he didn’t know the history between his girl and me.

“You were at the supermarket today”

he started off by saying “I’m Mark, why were you looking for Jess”

Harry looked over to me and raised his eyebrows.

What was I meant to say?

Hey Mark I was just looking for Jess because I still love her and she happens to be your new girlfriend!


“She’s a friend” I twisted the words around. An ex-girlFRIEND

“Oh then you should come say hello”

“No no no! It’s really ok, you enjoy your date, and I don’t want to intrude,” I said pulling Harry’s arm motioning to leave.

“Don’t worry, you were looking for her today so there must have been something you needed to tell her” his facial expression dropped from happy to curious in 0.01 seconds, he must have had his suspicions even though I tried my best to lie.

I took a deep breath.

“I’ll wait here for you man”

Harry called out behind me.

I gave him a nervous look and he winked being cheeky.

Jessica's P.O.V

When I saw Mark go up to Niall I knew something awkward would happen. Mark has been having his suspicions about my past and had an idea that Niall was in it. He was right, but I would never tell him that, but I was afraid that tonight would be the night. There is nothing wrong with having him know about Niall, I just didn’t want people to know I was dating him. It would be too hard to remember and to explain the situation we were put in. There was too much hurting when we broke up that I don’t want to remember, hopefully Niall hadn’t said anything and just made up a lie.

When I saw Mark pulling a very nervous and scared looking Niall Horan by his side I couldn’t help but hyperventilate. I was getting scared, this was the first time I had seen him since we broke up 3 months ago.

Mark came up to me and kissed my cheek. Niall tried to focus on looking at something different.

“Hey you guys!”

Mark said pulling his both into a group hug, my hand brushed against Niall’s and I quickly pulled it away.

“Why you both so awkward?”

I jumped to my defense “I’m not! His not!”

“Don’t talk for me” Niall snapped and quickly followed with “sorry”

“I think Niall should be somewhere” I looked at Mark and then to Niall, giving him the look to leave and he understood, but did the complete opposite.

Instead he smiled and said, “I don’t, I had the day off, and it’s not the end of the day yet” He implied.

“Brilliant! Then we can have a 3-way date!”

Mark had a look in his eyes that said to me he was up to no good.

Great. This was all I needed, having to spend the night with my new boyfriend and my secret ex-boyfriend. What could go wrong?

The rest of the date was so tough to get through. I felt like we were playing a game and I was the prize. All night they both tried to keep and catch my attention, and the more I gave Mark my attention the harder Niall tried. He didn’t give up. Why? I don’t understand why he couldn’t just move on and make it easier on the both of us. Why did he have to show up here tonight? It was already hard enough having the memories but having him there too was even worse, our first kiss came back to me and I found myself staring at his lips and I’m pretty sure Mark noticed because he always gave me evil glares when I did.

“I need to speak with you now” I stood up and pulling Niall away from Mark “excuse us” I didn’t forget my manners.

“Why are you here!” I blurted

“I was taking a walk with hazza”

“Well I’m on a date! So I would like you to leave!”

“Out of all places, you picked to come here?” he was now smiling cheekily

“If it was up to me, I would be at home with a pizza watching a movie cuddled on a couch with him, and you know that” I poked

“he brought me here, he doesn’t know about us and he won’t, no one will, I don’t want people to know about us Niall, you hurt me”

I saw the look on his face, I could tell he felt bad about hurting me by the look in his eye and by the way he placed his hand on mine. “Jess” He whispered “I still…”

I cut him off “I don’t” I lied. It might have been the only way for him to leave me alone.

“You don’t?” he was hurt, I hurt him. I did indeed feel bad but what else could I have said?

“Move on Niall” I started to walk back to Mark when I heard him say

“Not without you Jess, I love you, always did and always will, I will fight for you”

“Don’t bother”

Niall Horan I love youWhere stories live. Discover now