Pizza, White chicks & Friends

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Hey guys, I really liked writing this chapter, is was fun, I hope you all enjoy reading just as much as I enjoyed writing it. Sorry for any errors that there are, I usually just type it on word then copy and paste it, so whatever it tells me to fix, I change to what it suggests me to do. Anyways, Niall is such a babe in this chapter naw I want a friend like him!! -Jessica :)

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Niall’s P.O.V

“You have to make her heart whole again” Liam gave some friendly advice. “Show her that you love her”
“I’m pretty sure I showed her I love her by not giving up”
“No you’re showing obsession,” He mocked.

Obsession comes with love doesn’t it?

“Liam’s right” Louis joined “The little things count the most”
“You are all stupid” Harry busted through the room naked. “Just be her friend and pretend you’re over it, make her trust you as a friend” he paused and took a quick look over to the rest of the lads sitting in front of me “just like how you started”

He was right, the only way I would have Jess back in my life is if I showed her that I was over her, show that I wasn’t trying anymore, even though I secretly am. I needed to show her that I was her friend, that way; I could build up our relationship again.

“Should I call her?” I turned to Harry
“Yeah mean, she won’t call you”
“Thanks for the confidence boast”
I laughed sarcastically, and then I realized it would be harder to win her back then I thought.
She had a boyfriend.
“Oh lads” I paused “I just remembered, she has a boyfriend”

They all sighed. “Show her what she is missing!” they all screamed at once like it was planned, they ended up laughing at each other because they all had the same thought. I just sat there looking at them, kind of scared.

I ran straight to my phone and I dialed Jess’s number. Well, all I had to do was press number 1, I still had her on speed dial, and I picked that number because she was the one, through thick and thin, she would always be the one and I could feel it.
The ringing stopped, and I swear my heart stopped beating for a minute, and not just because I heard the sound of her cries

She cried some more “I thought it was Mark”
“How? My caller ID”
“It’s blocked” she took a deep breath trying to calm herself
“What’s wrong”? I was genuinely worried about her, Mark? Crying?
“Mark broke up with me”
she let out a sigh and the tears started going again
“I don’t even know why, it was over text message and” she stuttered
“and I didn’t even get a reason why”
There was a silence filled with the sound of her pain. “I’ll be right over”
I hung up the phone so she couldn’t debate against me.

Jessica's P.O.V

When Niall hung up the phone, I wasn't disappointed that he was coming over, I was some what happy about.

I needed to be around people right now and just vent and forget about the world, I was hurt and I hate this feeling of emptiness and being lonely. It felt like, once again my whole world had come crashing down and everyone had got pushed down with it leaving me to be the only one left standing. I needed to be felt like I was loved, because love to me is everything. I needed to feel whole, and I had for a short period of time that I was with Mark, he made me feel special and made me feel how I hadn’t felt for a long time, and knowing that I wasn’t worth being told a reason why I was being dumped and having it said through text message just hurts even more.

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