Walk in the park

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Jessica's P.O.V

Harry kissed me for the first time. I had pictured out first kiss to be under the moonlight or when we were walking along the beach, but instead he had kissed me when I was upset and when I felt alone. If I'm being honest, it made me feel safe, like he was always going to be there for me, but when he had kissed me, it didn't feel right, all those emotions that I thought I had for him, weren't there. I didn't feel those butterflies and I didn't feel that spark, I had felt butterflies with him, but not when we kissed, I was so confused. 

He had left the room to let me have some space and just be on my own. My mum was on the plane right about now flying over to Australia, I told her she had to ring me as soon as she got there and as soon as she was going to identify the body and then again when she had seen the body, I was praying for the best, but I didn't want to get my hopes to high in case I was in fact let down, which was extremely possible, because lets be honest here, what are the chances you survive a plane crash? I could once again feel the tears forming in my eyes as I was chocking up. i did nothing to stop it though. 

Knock Knock.... 

"Can I come in?" It was Liam 
"It's open" I said sitting up rubbing my hand across my eyes to dry away the tears, my eyes were red and puffy and fairly obvious I had been crying, I looked horrible because my mascara and eyeliner had been running, but I didn't care. 
"How you feeling?" Liam said sitting beside me, I'm sure he already knew the answer but was just trying to be kind and comforting
I forced a smile "If I am being honest, pretty shit"
"i guessed so" He put his arm around me pulling me into a hug "We are all going to be here for you Jess, don't think you will be going through this alone" 

His words made me choke up. Everyone was being so kind towards me today and I appreciated it so much.
"Thankyou so much Liam" This time i had a real smile across my face.
"Come on, don't stay in your room, it will only make you feel worse, we will all go out and do something"  He started towards the door and letting me leave the room first like a real gentleman,

Niall's P.O.V

Harry had walked out of Jessica's room looking rather proud of himself, so I guessed something had happened between the two of them and found my self setting myself up for a heart break as I asked what had happened.
" Well, wouldn't you like to know" Harry snapped, i don't know if he was joking or not
"Yeah I would Harry, that is kind of why I asked"
He gave me an evil glare right before he said "I kissed Jess"

I knew i shouldn't have asked, i knew that I would be hurt with what had happened and I still had to know. I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach. He had kissed her, those lips that I was once aloud to kiss were now all his.

"What? You even need my sloppy seconds?" i found myself saying, I don't even know where it came from, it was like it was a reflex action.

I covered my mouth with my hand as Harry walked towards me "What did you just say"
"Nothing, don't worry, it's nothing" I quickly jumped to say, knowing he had already heard me.

He gave me a whatever look and walked away. Phew. That was close.
"Man, you're so jealous" Louis said slapping my arm playfully
"i still love her" taking a seat on the couch with Louis soon following after.
"I know we said that you need to be her friend, but Haz has her now, you need to step up your game"
"But if she is happy, I don't want to ruin that for" 
Louis shrugged.

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