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Sorry that this chapter came a little late. I said I was going to finish it but then I missed it, so i deleted the last 2 chapters and decided to continue the story :) I had a few people telling me in my inbox that they wanted it to keep going so yeah hahah :)

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Niall's P.O.V

lt's been a week since the after party, I have tried to pretend that I am ok with Jess, but I am still hurt in some ways, things aren't the same at the moment, and everything is quiet awkward aswel.
For the past week, Jess has  been going out all day and everyday with Emma, or so she says, but today I decided to go and follow her.  

She walked down the street alone for a while until she sat down at a cafe reading a book, she looked peaceful. 

I waited for about 5 minutes before I saw a figure walking towards Jess, it didn't look like Emma, Infact it looked like a guy. 

He was wearing glasses and a hat that covered most of his face, but I could take one guess and say it was Robert. 

I saw her mouthing the words hey and standing to give him a hug which lasted  a little to long to just be friendly. 

Anger rushed through my body, she had lied to me.

I couldn't watch it anymore, the laughing and he flirting, and the touching, it was getting to much. 
I was contemplating if I should go up to them or just go home. 

"Hi" i found myself standing in front of their table staring. Shit, what did I just do? 

"What are you doing here?" Jess asked with wide eyes and a raised eyebrow
"It's been a while since I saw Emma so I thought I would come and catch up, but he doesn't look like Emma, more like the guy you were dry humping" 

Robert started to rise from his chair but was pushed back down by Jess. 
"Niall, why did you follow me?"

She was good.

"I didn't" I lied.
"Don't lie to me" She snapped
"Oh so when you lie to me it's ok, but the minute I do it's wrong. maybe you need to be honest aswell Jess" 
"People are staring" She lowered her head and her voice looking around. 
"Well maybe it's because your boyfriend is standing right here watching you have a coffee with the guy that you basically cheated on me with"

I shouldn't have said that, there could have been paparazzi around or even fans.

The look on her face was disappointed. "Niall"  She started before I interrupted her
"Save it Jess, see you at home" 

I was walking alone before I could hear the sounds of footsteps running after me, I turned around thinking it was Jess, but it happened to be Robert laughing. 
"Oh you really messed that up"  
"Shut up" I rolled my eyes and continued to walk away
"You know man, you may be a famous singer, but I am a famous actor, therefore, I can fake being interested in her to get her" 

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