Blind date

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Niall’s P.O.V

“I love you so much!” I screamed out from on top of the stairs. “I’m not afraid to tell the world!”

Jess giggled and blushed as she took my hand “shh, you’ll wake the dead!”

“Good, then even they can know I am INLOVE WITH YOU!” I grabbed her hands and pulled her in closer, my hands wrapping around her tiny figure, faces inches away from each other. Then she slapped me? Why did she slap me? I started to cry and I broke down on the spot, I fell to the floor with my hands over my head.

Then a gush of water fell on me.

- - - - - - - - -

“SHUT THE FUCK UP” Zayn screamed, at this stage I was soaking wet.

“IT’S 3:00am AND I’M TIRED MORON!” I was scared of angry Zayn.

“I WANT TO SLEEP!!” he said through the empty bucket across the room and stormed out

“reow” I said as I did the claw motion with my hand

It was a dream; me kissing Jess was a dream. I couldn’t say I didn’t want to, but it was to early to start dreaming of kissing her. I shrugged it off and went back to sleep.

It was around 9:00am when I was woken again by the sound of laughter and the smell of food. I jumped out of bed so fast it gave me blood rush. I still ran downstairs to find an empty plate with pancake crumbs

“As if you didn’t leave me any”

“I ate your pile because you woke me up with your moaning!” Zayn was oddly proud of himself that he managed to eat so many, he had his arms fold while he leaned back on the chair, swinging, soon enough he fell.

Laughter amongst the lads and I rose, you could say you could hear us from outside.

“Well lads, I have to head out” I changed the topic after the laughter died down.

“Where you off to?” Liam asked with a grin across his face.

“To Jess’s house”

They looked surprised.

“Have you already won her back?” Louis questioned then winked.

“Not yet, I’m her friend”

“Friend zoned” Harry said under his breath, I pretended I didn’t hear.

“I thought the best way to show her I am a good person is to be there for her after her breakup and hide my happiness” I informed. “So we made plans for today”

I headed out the door before they could ask any more questions because I wasn’t in the mood for them; I was still tired from my early wake up even though I got a few hours extra of sleep.


When I got to Jess’s house, the door was unlocked so I walked right on in, leaving her with a heart attack and gasping for air.

“DON’T CREEP,” she yelled as she threw papers at me, but they missed me seeming as they flied because they are light.

“Sorry m’am” I laughed, she rolled her eyes

“I have an idea!” she blurted out, by the look on her face after she had said it told me it was meant to be a secret and it was meant to be dragged on but she was so excited to say it like a kid is excited to get lollies.

“Let’s set each other up on a blind date!”

After thinking about the idea for a few minutes I agreed to it.

I was hesitant at first because the thought of having to set her up with someone made me sick to my stomach, but I was only meant to be a friend, but after having an idea pop into my head, I thought hey why not. My idea was to get one of the lads to go on the date with her, because they know I am keen and won’t try anything on her, nor steal her away from me and win her heart.

“Sure” I said forcing an enthusiastic voice.

“Great!” she squealed, “we will double date! I already know one person to set you up with you’ll love her!” She hugged me and I melted into her arms. Here we go again, butterflies, she pulled away, thought it was a quick hug, it still managed to make me blush, I tried to hide it.

“When is it?”

“Tonight!” she answered, “meet here at my house at 6, now go! You need to find me a date!!!” she pushed me out the door.

Why did she already want to go on a date with someone? Did she want a rebound guy? None of my business…kind of.

"Harold!" I called up the staircase. A very intrested Harry Styles came running down with his attention and focus on me

His eye wide likes a puppy that saw their food coming.

“I need you to do my a favor young one” I placed my hand on his shoulder guiding him to the couch, after we sat down he asked “what!!?”

“I need you to go on a date with Jessica” I tried to make it sound as casual and not awkward as possible but I don’t think that worked very well.

“I’m not gonna do that, that’s dog, you’re my mate”

“Nah man I need you to do this for me, we are being friends, so she wants to go double dating, a blind date”

Harry started at me blankly, like he was trying to take all this information in and process it all, I broke his thoughts “come on, it’s one night! It’ll really help!” I got down on my knees and begged.

“Fine” he moaned. I jumped on him and started to scream at the top of my lungs. I don’t know why I was so happy; I mean this double date will be so awkward seeing my best mate with my girl.

“We need to be at her place by 6” I implied as I wiggled my way off of the curly haired boy.

Jessica’s P.O.V

“Emma!” I called from my bedroom “can you get the door for me?”

“This will be your date and my date!” she screamed running towards the door. She looked beautiful. She was wearing a royal blue dress that fell just above her knee and an off colored white heal. She had a hear necklace to finish of the look and she her hair up in a bun with a few thin strands falling out.

“omgosh” I heard her say “hello I’m Niall, I will be your date for this evening”

I knew at the moment she was blushing even though I couldn’t see her, I could hear it her voice the way she giggled.

“Where’s Jessica?” I heard a deep voice say, was it…Harry?

I stepped out of my bedroom to reveal myself; I didn’t expect the response that I got.

I was wearing a red flowey dress, which finished half way along my thigh; it was a halter neck, which was all red sequence that matched the dress, my hair was curled and pinned to the side.

“Whoa” Harry stepped towards me “You look amazing” he grabbed hold of my hand.

“Where are we going anyway?” Niall asked putting his arm around Emma.

My eyes were focused on Niall's arms that I didn't notice that Harry had put his arm around me until he was so close to me that I could smell him.

"I knwo a place" Emma was quick to reply. "don't worry lads, i think you'll enjoy it, it is exclusive, i made sure of it, and i made sure there was a VIP so we don't get mobbed"

"Let's head off then" I smiled and grabbed Harry's hand. Niall held onto Emma's and we headed outside to where the limo was waiting for us.

Double date, what could possibly go wrong? or right...

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