Crash and kiss

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Guys this is an emotional chapter so I am pre warning you!


Jessica's P.O.V

"WAIT!" I screamed to phone as if the person on the other end could hear me.

The phone started to ring as I was getting out of the shower, just about ready to dry myself. With a towel around my body, I ran over to the phone but I missed the call letting it go to message bank.

Hey Jess, It's Niall, was just wondering you wanted to hang out today, call me back when you have the chance and let me know ciao

I quickly picked up the phone hoping he hadn't hung up yet,


"Oh hey"

"Sorry I was in the shower" I laughed

"Nice image Jess" He giggled

"Meet me at mine in 20?"

"I'll be there then"

And the beeping on the other line told me had hung up.

There was a knocking at my door around half an hour later, Niall didn't want to stay indoors so he insisted that we went out and got fresh air.

None of the media, either did the fans know I was with Harry yet so walking down the street with Niall was awkward. We would get all direcioners running up to us asking if we were back together and we both struggled to keep the awkward vibe hidden, and also seeing some of their disappointed faces was tough, some of them really supported us but some were happy when we told them we weren't. There was was one who even said "good stay away bitch".

When we escaped the crowd and flashing cameras.

"So how's Harry" Niall asked

"His okay"

"Just okay?"

"Yeah I guess so"

"Jess, spill it, what's wrong with you guys?"

"I don't know, I don't feel like he cares about me, and I feel like his always trying to make you jealous"

Niall gave me a look as if to say Go on

"He hasn't kissed me yet and it's been like a couple of weeks. At least when we first started to date, you didn't wait so long to make me feel not special, I don't think he really knows me well enough"

I don't think he knew how to reply he just sat there and nodded while I poured my heart out to him. I missed being able to talk to him, he was the only one who truly understood me.

I had gotten home around 5:30 from my day out with Niall and my mum was waiting in the lounge for me.

"Jessica" She said as you stood from the couch.

"yes?"  I asked slightly puzzled

"I have some bad news darling"

I took a seat beside her and she was trying not to make eye contact with me, you could tell she was scared. This must be bad because I could see the tears forming in her eyes.

"You're dad"

What about my dad? My dad was in Australia for work, and he was meant to be coming home sometime this week, none of was sure. I missed him like crazy and I couldn't wait to see him.

Niall Horan I love youWhere stories live. Discover now