Forgive me

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Sorry for the short chapter guys, there was nothing else i could add to it

Jessica’s P.O.V

“Are you ok?” my best friend asks. I look back up at Emma and forced a smile.

”I’m fine” I lied “just thinking”

”come on Jess, I know what day it is” I was shocked that she remembered. I know she is my best friend but I didn’t expect her to remember.

“it would have been you and Niall’s one year today”

She was right. One year ago today Niall Horan asked me to be his princess and I accepted. We broke up 9 months later, 3 months on I still loved him. Like I told him 3 months ago when we broke up, I will always love him but I have moved on. There will always be a special spot for him, but I no longer want him. I finally started to move on just recently I don’t need him around to remind me of the past.

“don’t you ever wish you could see him?” Emma asked breaking me out of my thoughts “sometimes” I reply

Our conversation was rudely interrupted by my phone ringing. I read the screen

....................Niall Horan

I looked at my phone nervously, hesitating if I should answer. Emma snatched the phone from my hands and answered “what” she sternly asked.

I waited patently until she handed me the phone “he wants to speak to you”

I hesitated but took the phone “yes?” I struggled to get out one simple word

"Jess” his voice was bumpy and shaky

“I miss you”

my heart skipped a beat.

"Niall you told me to move on without you”

"I know and I wish I never did, Jess you’re on my mind every day”

I swear he was about to cry.

"Jess I will do anything"

"I'm sorry Niall, no" and I pressed the end call button on my phone. He still missed me.

Niall's P.O.V

After she hung up the phone it occurred to me that she must not care anymore. I broke her heart and she took what I said with her and moved on.

"hey man don't worry, you tried" Liam rested his arm around my shoulder "and that's the main thing"

"I wanted to do this since we broke up, but I thought today would be special"

The boys gave me puzzled looks "it would have been our 1 year" I sigh.

I felt the awkward vibe throughout the room until Harry broke it "then go find her"

A smile formed on my lips, that wasn't such a bad idea.

"where would she normally be on a Saturday?" Harry smiled, he was so proud of himself that he had a good idea

"at her part time job, but I don't know if she still works there" I implied

"There is only one way to find out" Zayn spoke for the first time

Niall Horan I love youWhere stories live. Discover now