Harry: 1, Niall: 0

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Jessica’s P.O.V

“Ok bye Harry” I stopped laughing and hung up the phone

“Harry?” Emma asked stating the obvious.

After the double date last night, I crashed at Emma’s place; neither of us was in the mood to be alone, the night ended so badly.

“Yeah, he asked me out on another date” I didn’t realize I was smiling until Emma winked at me

“That boy is keen!”

Maybe so.

“When is it?”

“Tonight” I said as I walked over to the couch sitting down and turning on the T.V. S

Emma quickly rushed to sit next to me “Details please”

I laughed, honestly, he didn’t even tell me where we were going, he just said to wear something casual and that he will pick me up at 8, Emma didn’t believe me when I told her that I had absolutely no idea, I gave up in the end.

"Why are you going on a date again with Harry, I thought you still had feelings for Niall"

"How many times must i tell you this, I still care about him and I always will, but I'm not in love with him, I know I said I would always love him, but he has no time for me"

She gave me an evil glare "What?"

"YOU'RE STUPID" She screamed

"What did I do?" I questioned if she had a brain at this point because I honestly don't know what I did wrong..

"You and Niall, are meant to be together! You shouldn't be with Harry"

I jumped to my defense "Who I date, doesn't concern you! And me and Niall, we won't ever work out" I slammed the door behind me leaving her house.

On my way home, I got a message from Harry saying he was going to be thee earlier, around 6pm, not 8:pm anymore, it was already 4:30pm “Shit” I mumbled, “can you please go a bit faster?” I asked the cab driver, and by the motioning of him tilting his head forward with his hand on the front of his hat, meant he would do so.

I rushed through my front door making my way to the bathroom to have a shower. It could have possibly been the quickest shower I have ever had.

I dried my hair and slipped into a pair of jeans and a royal blue top, black heals and to accessorize and finish of the outfit, I put on a pearl necklace.

Soon enough there was a knock at my door, I opened it and welcomed Harry with a warm hug.

”You look stunning” He blushed

”You go all right yourself” I laughed “Where are you taking me?” I asked as he placed his arm around my shoulder. “It’s a secret still” He teased, “You’ll love it”

Soon enough there was a knock at my door, I opened it and welcomed Harry with a warm hug.

”You look stunning” He blushed

”You go all right yourself” I laughed “Where are you taking me?” I asked as he placed his arm around my shoulder.

“It’s a secret still” He teased, “You’ll love it”

After around an hour of driving we finally pulled over to an empty grass area. There was nothing, it was deserted and if you looked close enough maybe you could have seen a hay ball roll down the middle.

Harry could see the confusion on my face, which wasn’t a surprise, I wasn’t trying to hide it, I heard him laugh,

”What’s funny?” I snapped,

”This is just the spot, the real surprise is around the corner!” He put his hands around my eyes and guided me.

We came to a sudden stop. It was a quick walk, about 5 minutes; he slowly took his hands away from my face “Surprise!”

I was speechless. It looked amazing, it was a small section fenced off with an elegant looking gate for security, a table right in the concert with candles all around, there was even a pianist playing slow romantic songs, there was just enough room for dancing.

“Oh my God Harry!” I put my hands to my face in shock “It’s amazing” I jumped in his arms giving him a big hug, with a massive smile across my face!


The night couldn’t go anymore perfect then it did. We spent the night eating the food that we had ordered to the spot (not as romantic as the layout but it was still thoughtful and cute). We low danced to the music and we even lay across the grass watching the stars cuddling. Harry would occasionally stop talking and stare at me, I was expecting him to kiss me, but as the night came to an end, there was still no kiss, he seemed like the type of guy who kissed on the first date…well not our first date, but our first date alone.

It was a perfect date. Never had I ever been on a date so original and thoughtful.

“I can’t believe you went through all this trouble for me” I said as I placed my hand into his as we were walking back to the limo.

“I did it all because you’re worth it” He looked over to me and smiled quickly before he stopped walking.

“I want to kiss you,” He said

“Then kiss me” I smiled



“You’re to special to be kissed so early on”

“That makes no sense at all Harry”

“Yes it does, I don’t wait to jinx things with us, because I like you Jess”

I smiled. How adorable is he?

Niall’s P.O.V

It was around 11:30pm now, and Harry still wasn’t home, which meant he was still on his date with Jessica. I was lying in bed waiting to hear the door open, time was going by so slowly, then, at 11:38pm, the door squeaked open, he was trying not to wake us up but I was still awake.

The sounds of the lights flickering on and the cupboards opening told me he wasn’t coming upstairs yet, so I went down, shocking him.

“Hello Harry” the way I spoke, came out a little to creepy for my liking, it seemed to startle him.

“Hi” He moved his eyes not knowing where to focus. “What are you doing out here-.”

A girly voice made him stop mid sentence with his eye wide, it was Jessica.

She stopped walked towards us, she was holding a blanket and she was now in one of Harry’s tops.

“What’s this?” I walked over to her

“My door wouldn’t open, so Harry said I could sleep over”

I wish she was wearing my top and I wish she was here at our house because I had invited her back after the date we would have just had, but unfortunately that’s not the case.

Remembering I had to be her FRIEND, I welcomed her with a warm hug hiding my pain and jealousy.

Harry: 1, Me: 0

“Good to have you over” I forced a smile; she smiled back walking over to Harry. Of course she was.

“We will sleep in the lounge?”

Before he answered he looked over to me and winked. “Sure” he smiled kissing her on the cheek and then eyeing me, making sure that I saw.

I had a feeling he was only doing it to make me jealous, but it’s Jess, she was an amazing girl and I don’t blame Harry that he fancied her, but I don’t appreciate my best mate not staying away, he should watch his back, there is nothing I won’t do to have Jess.

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