Do you wanna kiss me, cause I wanna kiss you.

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Jesica's P.O.V

I tossed and turned in bed, turning to face my bed side table where my alarm clock was sitting. It was 4:34am.

"Argh" I groaned. "I just want to sleep" I whispered to myself.
i had this habit that when I was frustrated I would casually talk to myself, I don't know why, I just did.

When I turned back to look at the close only 3 minutes had passed, it felt like an hour was dragging by.
I decided to get up and get a glass of milk to try and relax my body because milk always helped calm me down.

I started towards the stair case when I saw Niall sitting half way down the staircase.

"Hey" I whispered sitting down beside him trying not to wake the others up. 
He looked over to me and smiled "Hi" He whispered back.
"Why are you up so late?" I asked
"Couldn't sleep" He stretched his legs "You?"
"Same" I nodded in agreement "A lot on my mind" 
"Me too" He turned away from me and moving his body further away. 

We sat in silence for what felt to be an hour but most likely it would have just been 5 minutes. 
"I had a dream" Niall spoke facing me
"What about?"

He didn't answer.

"Niall?" I asked "What about?" I repeated
"It doesn't matter"
"Why mention it if you aren't going to tell me" I snapped
"Because you wouldn't care!" His voice turning into a whisper-scream.
"Seriously Niall? You always think I won't care"
"We hardly even talk since you have lived with us" He corrected me, or so he thoguht.
"Not meaning now" I complained "months ago" I stated.

"Stop dwelling in the past Jess"

Excuse him? How dare he say that. My heart got broken because of him.

"Excuse me?" I was shocked, lucky it was dark or else he would see my cheeks burning red.
"You heard me" He stood up and started to walk down stairs.
"And like always you run away when things get tough"

"I did it for you!"
"If you did it for me then you wouldn't have left me alone"
"I said I was sorry!" He snapped back.
"Who cares! You know Harry told me to give you another chance and I hesitated with that idea because I am scared to get hurt again by you, and I am so grateful I didn't get myself into anything deeper with you before I found out it was a bad idea!"  I ran upstairs and slammed my door shut, well aware that I could have woken up the rest of the boys. 

The sudden silence filled my ears and a tear streamed down my cheek.
My eye lids were getting heavy. Soon enough  my thoughts turned to dreams. 

Niall's P.O.V


"Good morning grumpy" Liam laughed as I pushed him out of the way of the cupboard. 

"Shutup" I groaned
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Harry added in to make me even more annoyed
"And I repeat, SHUTUP" I snapped.

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