Chapter Four

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Option One: "Who did you set Elizabeth up with?"

I pause a moment and think through my options. I then nod and boldly ask, "Who did you set Elizabeth up with?" 

Alex stifles his laughter as he looks up at me. "All the questions in the world and you're curious who I set my wife up with?" He asks. 

I frown gently and cross my arms. "Yes, I'm curious! You said she deserved the best, and I want to know who exactly you think that is." I pout. "Do I know this man?" 

He chuckles gently and shakes his head. "Oh Laurens, you are very funny, you know that?"

"Okay, you know what, you said you would answer the question-"

He smiles and nods. "You're right, you're right." He calms himself down and then looks up at me. "Well, I do believe you've vaguely heard of them, but I must assure you it is not a man."

I raise an eyebrow. "I- What? I thought Elizabeth was straight, though.."

He shakes his head. "No no, she's pansexual. She's got too much love in her heart to care what gender her partner is." He explains and I nod. I suppose that made sense, I just wasn't expecting it. "Anyway, the girl I set her up with is Maria Reynolds, James Reynolds' little sister?"

I freeze a moment as I try to think of the name Reynolds.. I then look to him curiously. "Jesus, John, he went to high school with us." He sighs. "James was the captain of the football team, star jock at our school? His little sister was the sweetest human being, she was in the grade below us." 

I think back to high school and then nod. "Oh! Yeah, I remember him! His little sister was the one who always wore that red hoodie, right?" I ask and he nods. "Oh, interesting. How'd you know they'd make a good couple?" 

"Eliza was always chatting with her, and she doesn't know that I know, but they did spend a night together while I was off in Jersey." He explains. "I was hurt at first, but then I realized I didn't care." 

"You didn't care? That doesn't seem like you.." I cross my arms. 

He sighs. "I.. I know. But I couldn't be mad at her for loving another person while we were together, because I was doing the same-" He stops himself. "Well, was, anyway. It was a while ago." 

I raise an eyebrow at him. "You loved someone else, too?" 

"I think.. I think Eliza and I rushed things. I don't think we really love each other anymore.. I think.. I think we're only still married for our kids.."

"Is that why you won't go back to her?" I ask.

He looks up at me. "Hm? Oh no, I'd go back to pretending with her any day of the week. Yeah, it was fake, but it felt nice. And the children still brought us together."

"Then why don't you want to see Elizabeth?"

"Didn't I say only one question?" He chuckles gently. "I believe you have asked at least three."

I cross my arms and sink back into the couch. "Yeah, yeah. Fine, keep your secrets."

Alex chuckles gently and I see him relax against my couch. I look around and sigh. "I don't suppose you want to stay here?" 

He perks up, smiling at me. "Only if you're offering. I would love to stay here." 

I look at him and nod. "Okay, you can stay in the guest bedroom. But I must warn you, Eliza has been coming over every Friday night since you passed, so you may not want to be here." 

He tilts his head. "Why has she come to your house? What do you two do?"

I laugh slightly. "You're really jealous your wife might be seeing someone else after refusing to go back to her and setting her up with someone else?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Not jealous for my wife." He says. 

"What the hell does that mean?" 

"Nothing, nevermind."

"Well, she comes over with the kids. We talk and put them to bed and then talk some more. Sometimes we drink, but we don't do anything but enjoy each other's company." I explain, seeing that it made him feel better. 

He nods. "Ah, I see..." He pauses and stares at his lap. "I am sorry to have caused so much pain, truly. I didn't mean to, I just.. I didn't want to come back. When I saw that I had a chance to start over, I knew I had to take it. It's not everyday you get to just run away from everything." 

I shake my head. "And yet here you are. Why would you come to me of all people? Why am I the one who gets to know about you being alive?" 

Alex shrugs. "You're my best friend, John. We've known each other for a very long time, I feel comfortable around you." 

"Right, but if you truly wanted to start over, you would have not come back at all. You would've just left and never came back." I pause nervously. "So.. Why did you come back?"

He looks at me and for a moment, it looks like he was going to open up to me. Like he was going to pour his heart and soul right onto my lap. But the second he opens his mouth, the doorbell rings and his eyes widen. 

"Just.. Go upstairs, into the guest room. Don't make any noise, I won't even let them upstairs." 

"Who is it?"

"I don't know, just go." 

He nods and runs upstairs, being as quiet as possible. Once I hear a door upstairs close, I smooth out my shirt and go to open the door, surprised by the person on the other side. 

"Elizabeth, what are you doing here?" 

"John, I'm sorry to come over uninvited, can I come in?"

"Yeah, of course. You're always welcome, come on in." I say so she doesn't suspect anything. She comes in and sits on my couch, sighing softly. 

Option One: Eliza's POV
Option Two: Alex's POV

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1025 Words

Gah I swear sometimes I suck at writing chapters, I'm sorry for the filler this reader's choice is still new to me. I'm used to having at least like five chapters prewritten, but I obviously can't do that with this book so bare with me. Anyway as requested last chapter, I'm changing the voting time to four days instead of a week, just so you guys aren't waiting so long for a chapter. See you later!

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