Chapter Thirty Two

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Five million years later Jesus

Option two: I have to do this

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, I am."

"But like, what if he catches us-"

"He won't if you stop talking."

"But he has eyes everywhere-"

"Shut up, John!" Eliza whisper shouts. "Do you want to get caught?"

I simply shake my head and we continue walking through the hall.

This was a stupid idea, I don't know why I went along with it. We were currently in the place Francis was renting out, trying to find where Alex was. We had no one else backing us up, nothing to protect ourselves, hell, we didn't even have our cell phones (Eliza made us leave them at home just in case). We barely had a plan.

Francis wanted me to meet up with him, but we thought maybe we should try and find Alex ourselves first. That was Eliza's idea so I didn't have to face him on my own. It was a stupid idea, and I don't think it would work in a million years.

But I went along with it anyway. I know Eliza was just desperately trying to get Alex back. And I must be as well if I'm willing to just break into Francis's house without an actual plan. This is ridiculous.

"John, over here, the door is the only closed one." Eliza whispers to me.

I nod at her and we walk up to the door. I raise an eyebrow when I see it. "I thought you weren't allowed to paint walls and mess with stuff when you rent a house." I say, looking at the wall we were just hiding behind.

"You can't, why are you bringing this up right now?" She asks with an annoyed tone in her voice.

I point to the wall and she looks over, raising an eyebrow at it. There were a bunch of flowers painted on the wall, sunflowers to be exact. Which happened to be Francis' favorite flowers to paint.

"Sunflowers? So the owners like tacky flowers, that doesn't mean anything." She whispers and I shake my head at her.

"No, Francis painted this. These are his favorite flowers, he.. He taught me how to paint them a long time ago, as well as pretty much everything else I know." I say. "He's not renting this house, he lives here.."

Eliza's eyes widen softly and she looks at the ground, thinking it through. She looks back up at me with a questioning look in her eyes. "How long has he been in New York?" She asks.

My face drops slightly. "I.. I have no idea.."

She nods and then looks at the door in front of us. "Okay, well, something has to be on the opposite side of this door.. Are you ready to find out?"

I sigh gently. "Not really, but I don't see what other choice we have."

"Good enough. Okay, three.. Two... one."

She bursts into the room, holding her hands up to be ready for anything. I follow in after her, freezing up when I see him standing there, facing away from us.

Not him as in Alex.

He turns towards us, smiling softly. "Ah, took you two long enough to show up. Eliza, dear, I thought I specifically asked for John to come alone?"

"I.. Uh-"

"Didn't think I'd be here? That's alright, none of that matters anymore. You brought John here, that's all I wanted." He smiles over at me. "Hi, babe, miss me?"

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