Chapter Sixteen

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Option One: Angst

"So.. You finally did it..." I mumble, nodding as I stare at the wall in front of us.

I hear Alex sigh softly. "I.. I did." I glance over at the other side of the couch to see he was smiling, also staring at the wall. "I actually did it."

I look down at my lap. "So.. What does that mean, then?" He asks.

"Well.. It means I'm free." He says. "I mean, I still have parental responsibilities, and we still have to figure out who's getting what and what not, but technically I'm free. And so is she. She seems happier recently."

I couldn't argue with that. These past few weeks have been a bit confusing for everyone, but she was really happy I think. Her and Maria deserved to be happy.

Me and Alex on the other hand? I'm not sure. He avoids talking to me about our.. Whatever it is we have. Even though he told me he loved me before they started the divorce process. I think.

I wasn't sure about anything anymore, to be completely honest. Did we even deserve to be happy together? Was it even in the cards for us?

"Hey, relax a little, John." Alex says, interrupting my thoughts. I look over at him to see him smiling slightly at me. "You're tense, just relax. I know things are difficult right now, but we'll figure it out."

How could he just sit there like everything was fine? He was the one getting a divorce, not me.

"I just.. I don't know what's going on with us. Are we going to start seeing each other? Or are we just two best friends who have slept together?" I ask, fidgeting with my hands.

He chuckles softly and shakes his head. "My dear, Laurens, I can assure you we're more than just two best friends who slept together. It's just complicated, but we'll figure it out I promise."

I nod slowly, not sure how else to respond. He seemed sincere, but I still don't even know what he wants to happen between us.

A month came and went, and it was still the same exact thing.

He would come over, we would talk about how the divorce was coming along, talk about us for like .2 seconds, and then he would leave. He told me he would stop leading me on, but it felt like that's what he was doing, even now. It made me stop and wonder why I was trying so hard.

Clearly, he doesn't love me as much as he says he does. If he did, we wouldn't still be here. Right now, we were sitting in a bar, drinking responsibly of course, as he talked to me about his life.

"She wants practically full custody of the kids! Can you believe that? And she's using the fact that I gave up the house to her as an excuse for that. She says I have nowhere to live, and therefore how can I take care of them." Alex scoffs. "I want to be able to see my kids, and raise them still, you know?"

I hum and nod as I sip my drink slowly. I hated having to listen to his divorce. At first, I wanted to know what was going on so I could help both of them get through it, but now I just feel like I'm interfering with the process. They both talk to me about it, Alex especially, and I was sick of it.

"When are you moving out?" I mumble, setting my drink down.

He sighs and shrugs. "I don't know, when I find somewhere to stay I suppose. I might rent out an apartment with an extra bedroom for the kids to stay in, so she doesn't have an excuse to keep them away from me." He takes a gulp of his drink.

"Why don't you move in with me?" I ask quietly.

He looks over at me, raising an eyebrow. "Move in with you? Oh, John, that's alright, you don't have to offer that to me.."

"Well, I am offering it. I have an extra bedroom you could stay in, and your kids are already super familiar with my house. Plus, Elizabeth may feel more comfortable with you having more custody if I'm also helping out." I tell him, and he pauses and thinks for a moment.

"You would really let me live with you?" The smaller man asks.

"Well, you'd be helping pay rent, of course. And I do enjoy spending time with your kids, so yeah, I'll allow it." I shrug. "And I could turn one of the rooms into another room, so your kids have somewhere to stay when they come over."

He smiles softly and nods. "I would really appreciate that, Laurens. My next court date is in a month, so I'll have to be moved in by then, is that alright with you?"

I nod. "Yep, sounds fine."

He smiles some more and nods, thanking me before drinking more of his drink.

While he talks, I zone out of the conversation. I look around us. This bar was more of a curse than a good thing, but it's the only bar Alex actually likes. It was the bar we spent that night in, before he almost died. I don't know why we still came here exactly, but I didn't care anymore either.

I could feel myself start to care less and less about everything lately. Maybe it was Alex's fault, maybe it was mine.

I asked him not to get my hopes up, and that's still exactly what he did. It hurt honestly, but I guess I should have known better. Alex is a free man, why would he want to tether himself down again? Especially so soon.

He's probably had a line of people waiting for him to be single again, and I'm sure I'm at the end of that line, and won't be seen for quite a while.

We continue drinking and having small conversations unti Alex's phone rings. He answers it, slightly tipsy. "Helloooo?" He asks.

I can't hear the other side of the conversation, but I can see Alex's expression change from happy to confused to scared. He nods curtly. "I'll be right there." He says and hangs up the phone. He stands up and starts walking out and I have to run to catch up with him.

"Wait, where are we going? Who just called you?" I ask, slightly worried.

He just ignores me and continues walking. When he gets to his car, I stop him before he can get into the driver's seat. "Alex, we were just drinking, you cannot drive right now."

He shakes his head and tries to open the door. "I don't have time to worry about that right now, I have to go."

"Why? What's going on, you can't just leave like that-"

"Philip's in the hospital, John. Now let me leave so I can go there!"

I stare at him, not sure how to respond. I then nod. "Fine, but I'm driving, I drank less than you." I tell him.

He goes to argue, but I silence him with a stern look and he sighs and gets into the car on the other side. I then get into his car, and start it, wondering what happened to Philip.

Option One: Ask what happened.
Option Two: Wait for a better moment.

Place your votes here -->

I'm sorry this is late again, I meant to get the chapter out earlier but I didn't have time. Also, these are two different choices, they both have a different reason attached to it :)

Never Say Forever (LAMS READERS CHOICE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ