Chapter Twenty Four

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Option One: Yeah, you can stay with me.

"Okay." I sigh softly.

Alex raises an eyebrow at me. "Okay?" He asks. "What does that mean?"

"Okay, fine, you can stay with me." I say. "But Francis can't know."

He nods, smiling softly. "My lips are sealed, thank you so much, John."

"Yeah, yeah, what are friends for." I chuckle gently and he smiles wider. "I'd better get back to Francis before he comes over here."

His smile fades but he nods. "Alright, I'll start packing my stuff tonight. Can I move in by Friday do you think?"

I nod. "That should be fine, just start bringing your stuff over whenever Francis isn't there." I tell him before going back to my table.

I sit down across from Francis and he raises an eyebrow at me. "Well? What did he want?"

"Oh, he just wanted to ask if I could watch his kids next weekend." I lie, sipping the water that had been placed on the table while I was away.

"And he couldn't have asked that in front of me? Or over text?" He asks, sounding skeptical of it.

I put down the glass of water and look up at him. "He just remembered and he didn't want to forget when I was right here. And he's not exactly comfortable with you.." I mumble the last part.

"Yeah, that's because you've decided to keep us a secret. When are you going to actually introduce me to your friends?"

"Well, there was that one dinner I tried inviting you to-"

"You know we already had plans that night, you were just trying to get out of them." He sighs and shakes his head. "Nevermind, I don't even want to meet your friends."

I tilt my head at him. "You don't? But you-"

"I've met Alex and frankly your taste in friends is.. not the best. And if they're all going to treat me the way he did, I don't want to be around them."

I nod and quietly give an "okay" before sipping some more of my water. This was all going to be fine. What he doesn't know won't kill him, right?

Timeskip brought to you by the new In The Heights

"Alright, you're all moved in now." I say, clapping my hands together as I look around the new and improved guest bedroom.

Alex smiles over at me. "Yes, thank you again. I know it wasn't an easy decision for you, but I'm really gratefu-"

"Alex, we're best friends, that's what best friends do."

"Is that really all we are?" He asks, biting his lower lip gently. "I mean, I don't want to make things weird, it's just.. Friends don't sleep together."

I blush and look away from him, looking around the room. "That's in the past now." I say. "So yes, we are just friends. Isn't that what you wanted anyway?"

There's a moment of silence. He's hesitating. Why is he hesitating?

"I wanted you to be happy." He finally answers.

I raise an eyebrow and turn towards him. "Excuse me?" I ask.

He shifts awkwardly. "You.. You seem happy with Francis." He says.

I nod to myself and stand up a bit more. "Yeah.. I am..."

He nods. "I didn't want to ruin that. You're really important to me, and I don't want to stand in the way of anything."

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