Chapter Twenty Five

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Option One: Nobody Needs to Know

Well.. That happened. We did a bad thing- again. God damn why am I so stupid.

I look at Alex, who was snuggled into my side and sleeping peacefully. I sigh gently. He looked so happy in my arms. So comfortable. I've been sitting here for an hour because I would have felt bad if I moved and woke him up.

So instead, I've been sitting here, contemplating my life choices.

What am I going to tell Francis?

"Mmph.. Good morning.." I hear Alex mumble.

I look down at him and he kisses my cheek, leaving me blushing gently. "Good morning, Alex."

He yawns but doesn't move. "Did you sleep well?" He asks.

I shrug. "I've slept better. How about you?"

"Best I've ever slept." He mumbles, smiling a bit.

We eventually got out of bed and got changed and such, walking down to the kitchen. I started to make us some pancakes and he sits at the table after making himself some coffee.

"So.. What now?" I hear him ask.

I raise an eyebrow but don't draw my attention away from the pancakes. Letting them burn would be a crime. "What do you mean what now? We can't keep letting that happen, Alex."

"But why not?" He asks, sighing softly.

"Because, Alex, I'm with Francis." I warn. "I shouldn't have even let last night happen."

"But you did." He points out.

"But I shouldn't have."

"But that doesn't change the fact that you still did. Actually, you're the one who wanted-"

"Yes, Alex, I know what happened last night. My point is I never should have let myself do that." I interrupt and he goes quiet. I sigh and shake my head. "I'm sorry, I just.. I can't do this, it's not fair to Francis."

"You know, you worry about Francis too much." He says, and I could practically hear him rolling his eyes. I knew that tone in his voice.

"He is my boyfriend, Alex."

"You know, I liked it better when you called me Lexi." He says, to which I blush madly.

"That was a heat in the moment thing, I'm sorry about that." I say, not looking at him specifically so he couldn't see my red face.

He chuckles gently. "Don't be sorry, I just said I liked it. It was.. I don't know, it was nice to hear it from you. I wouldn't mind you calling me that more often."

I quickly shake my head. "Probably not going to happen. Like I said, heat in the moment, and probably weird for me to continue calling you that."

I hear his chair scratch across the floor and then his footsteps approaching me and I suck in a breath. He comes up next to me and leans against the counter, smiling gently at me.

"Your face is a little red." He teases.

"Shut up, Alex." I sigh, probably blushing even more.

"Look, I'm just confused. Because everytime I think there's something between us, you go off and find some excuse for us not to be together." He says.

I look over at him with a confused look. "Excuse? I'm taken, how is that an excuse? Also, I'm not the one who was keeping us apart, that was you."

"Me? I asked you out!"

"Only after like ten years of me waiting for you to!"

"Well, why did you wait? Why didn't you ask me sooner?" He asks.

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