Chapter Fourteen

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Option one: Tell him the truth.

"You slept with Alexander?!" Laf asks, completely shocked. By now we were sitting in my car, because I had no intention of sharing this to him in the grocery store, where anyone could hear.

I nod shyly. "Yeah.. Almost twice actually."

"Almost? What do you mean almost?" He asks.

I hesitate. "Eliza came by in the middle of us.. yeah.." I blush madly. I couldn't tell if it was worse in the moment or telling it to someone else.

"So she saw you two?"

"No, he hid under the bed. She has no idea.." I sigh. "But you can't tell her! I don't want her knowing I'm the reason they're getting a divorce."

Laf shakes his head, still looking like he was trying to process all of this. "I.. Damn. I knew you loved him, but I didn't think you would ever sleep with him. Not while he was married at least."

"Well I did, okay?" I groan. "This is terrible, isn't it."

"It.. It could be worse." He says, nodding. "Do you regret it?"

I look over at him, giving him an unclear look and his eyebrows raise.

"My God, John. You are something else, you know that?"

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, it was just so all in the moment and I couldn't help myself! I couldn't say no, I have waited for that moment for too long!"

"The moment where you could have sex with him?" Laf asks, seeming slightly disgusted.

"No, the moment he finally chose me over Elizabeth!" I sigh and lean my head on my steering wheel. "I just.. He's pushed me to the side for so long.. and then he came back and he led me on so much.."

"I see..." Laf sighs. "If it makes you feel better, you're not the sole cause of their divorce. From what I've heard, they desperately needed to split up. Not just for them, but for their kids as well."

"Maybe, but I was the thing that drove Alex over the edge to finally do it." I say, frowning. "You said he slammed the divorce papers on the table Sunday night? Sunday morning is when he rushed out of my bed, telling me he was going to fix everything."

Before he could say anything, my phone went off, signalling I received a message. I raise an eyebrow and look down at it.

"Who is it?"

"It's Elizabeth, actually. She wants to get together to talk tomorrow." I mumble, going to reply.

"You two sure did get close after Alex left. Honestly, I was glad you both had a friend who understood. It was nice knowing you two could look out for each other." Laf says.

I nod in agreement. "Yeah, she's really great. Hence why I feel awful lying to her and sleeping with her husband. I'm not going to meet up with her." I decide.

"What? You have to, though. You don't have to tell her everything, but you should go chat with her. She probably really needs to tell you something." Laf says, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, probably something I already know. She's probably just going to talk to me about the divorce, which I've already been informed about." I shake my head. "I don't think I can face her after what happened."

"Which is exactly why you need to." He says, grabbing my phone from me.

"Hey- give that back!" I say, reaching for the phone.

He holds it out of my reach as I struggle to grab it, and starts typing out a message. I panic slightly, knowing exactly what he was doing.

"Laf, no! I'm busy tomorrow!"

"Like hell you are. Stop avoiding this, you're going to meet up with her." He says, hitting send on his message and then handing my phone back to me. I groan.

"Laf, you're ridiculous, you know that?" I ask and he nods, smiling at me. "I shouldn't have told you what happened."

Laf shrugs. "I would have found out eventually, I've found you have a very difficult time keeping secrets from me."

I give him a look and then shake my head, realizing he was right. The truth would have come out to him eventually, so it was probably better that it came out now rather than later. I sigh and put my phone away, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well, okay fine. I'll go see her tomorrow. But there's no way I'm telling her what happened, and you'd better not either!" I point my finger at him.

He pretends to zip his mouth shut and nods. "My lips are sealed, mon ami."

"Good.. Now get out of my car, I have to go home."

He chuckles and waves. "Alright, fine. I'll see you later, John."

"See you later, Laf."

Timeskip brought to you by the loud ass air conditioner.

"John, I was worried you weren't gonna show!"

I nod at Elizabeth and sit down in the seat across from her. "Well, yo know, New York traffic." I say, though it was really because I was debating not coming.

She nods. "I get it." She takes a deep breath and nods. "Well, I suppose we should get right to the point. I'm sure you've heard by now the news about Alex and I?"

I nod. "Yeah, Laf told me. I'm sorry, about that, by the way."

She smiles and shakes her head. "No, don't be sorry, this has been coming for a long time. You were right, I need to do what's best for me, not what's best for Alex and the kids."

"Well, I guess that's kind of what I said.."

"So Maria and I are not breaking up."

I stare up at her. That's what this was about, her relationship with Maria. Not mine with Alex. I mentally sigh a breath of relief, glad she didn't know.

"Oh, that's what you wanted to talk to me about." I chuckle softly.

"Well yeah, what else would I talk to you about?" She asks, sipping her coffee.

I shake my head. "Nevermind, I'm really happy for you! I'm sure you and Maria will be great together."

"Well, I would hope so at least. It feels weird, though. Am I supposed to feel happy about getting a divorce?" She asks, tilting her head as she holds her coffee cup.

I shrug. "It depends on the situation. I feel like if you're happy, though, you're doing the right thing. It would make sense." I say.

"Yeah, you're probably right." She smiles and takes another sip of her coffee. She really did seem happier now, which made me glad.

And I know what you're thinking: I'm only happy because now I have a chance with Alex.

But that's not completely it. Elizabeth and I really did get close, and she deserves to be happy. If that was with Alex, I would have backed up long ago. But it was not, I think she's more happy with Maria, which is great news for the both of us. I think.

"So, is that all you brought me here for?" I ask.

"Actually, I was thinking you might like to meet her.." She mumbles, looking to the right and waving someone over.

A girl with dark curly hair and bronze-colored skin walks over shly, waving at us. "Um, hey, I'm Maria."

Option One: Maria's POV
Option Two: Eliza's POV

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1245 Words

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