Chapter Eleven

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Option One: Let him in.

I groan and step to the side, allowing the tiny man to stumble into my livingroom. I stare at him with a look of disapproval after shutting the door, but he just stares right back at me, not affected whatsoever.

I roll my eyes. "Alexander, you told me you wanted to go back to your wife and kids, I assumed you knew you had to get back to being responsible." I say, crossing my arms.

He laughs and brushes it off. "It's fiiine. Eliza's got the whole situation under control." He chuckles softly. "She doesn't need me around."

"No, she doesn't need you around. Because she is strong, and responsible. But it would be nice to have help from her husband." I say, going and putting my drink back in the fridge. There was no point in relaxing now, not until this situation was figured out.

"Hey-! Don't use that tone with me!" He slurs. I stare at him.

"I cannot believe you, Alexander. You are absolutely ridiculous." I groan softly. "Will you just make up your mind on what you want? Stop dragging all of us around in your difficult life choices?"

It was a serious question, but Alex was in no state to even comprehend what I meant by that. He just stares at me before breaking into laughter, and I just get a glass of water. I hand it to him, well, more like shove it in his hand.

"Here, sober up a little before you go to bed. Go hangout in the bathroom, though. I'm not in the mood to clean puke out of my carpets.

He giggles and takes the water, sipping it gently. He makes a sour face. "Hey, there's no alcohol in this! Are you trying to poison me?" He asks dramatically.

"No, I'm trying to save you from a hangover. Now drink up, and go sit in the bathroom. I'm going to watch TV."

He pouts but does what I instruct anyway and I go sit on my couch.

About a half hour later, the man stumbles out of my bathroom, holding his head. He seemed to be a little conscious of everything around him, but not entirely. He staggers over to the couch and plops down next to me, cuddling up close.

"John Laurens, I missed you." He whines.

I blush gently and pat his shoulder awkwardly. "It's only been a week since I've last seen you, Alexander."

"No, that's not what I meant." He pauses and buries his face deeper into my side. "I miss high school, and early college days. We were so happy."

"Well, yes, we were pretty close friends-"

"Laurens I like you a lot. More than close friends. I know that, you know that." He yawns tiredly.

This is the second time he's said something like that. He was drunk both times. I know they say a "drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts" or whatever, but I had trouble believing he truly did care for me in that way. I mean, after everything we've been through?

I sigh and don't move. "I do not know that, Hamilton. You are drunk."

"I'm drunk, yes-" He pauses and chuckles softly. "But I did make my way all the way to your house. You know there is a reason for that."

"I'm sure my house was just closer to the bar than yours was." I say, trying to keep some sort of sense in the conversation.

He groans. "John, it was not, I don't understand why you're having such trouble seeing this." He sits up and looks me in the eyes, and I stare back into his. Those damned eyes caught me by surprise every single time.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Maybe I was wrong, then, and you are a little responsible. I appreciate you not going in front of your kids while you are acting this way."

He shakes his head, seeming a bit more aware of things now. He was pretty quick to sober up for how drunk he was. "Johnathon Laurens-"

"That's not my name." I correct.

"Shush, not the point." He states, shaking his head. "How can I prove to you that I love you?"

I sigh and look to the side, thinking about it. I look back to him and say, "You can't. You love Elizabeth."

He furrows his eyebrows and then seems to get a bright idea. "Fine, I suppose I'll just have to show you, then."

"What does that mea-"

I am cut off by him suddenly kissing me, my complaining immediately silenced. I stare at him in shock, but he had his eyes closed as he pressed his lips against mine.

I contemplate pushing him away. That's what I should do, considering Alex was currently married to someone else.

But somehow, I couldn't find myself doing that.

I have waited so long for this moment; for the moment he finally chose me over Elizabeth.

Does that make me a terrible person? Yes, absolutely.

But I'm only human, I make mistakes.

Timeskip brought to you by the moves like Jagger

I wake up and groan quietly, feeling a gust of wind make my entire body cold. I panic when something shakes next to me, and look over to see Alexander cuddled into my side.

I raise an eyebrow and then realize we were both in my bed, the blankets barely doing their job in covering us. I pull them over us and reluctantly bring myself closer to him. I hug him close and see him smile gently, seeming comfortable.

I then think through last night's events, trying to put the puzzle pieces together. Alexander came over to my house, practically wasted. It was a miracle in itself he was able to bring himself to my house without stumbling into the road.

Then I brought him inside, and gave him water. He probably puked in my bathroom, and I most likely have a mess to clean up.

Then he came back and we sat and talked and then he kissed me. And one thing led to another and-

I made a mistake.

A bad mistake.

Option One: Sneak out of bed before Alex wakes up.

Option Two: Wake Alex up.

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