Chapter Ten

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Option One: Eliza

"John can we step outside and talk for a moment, please?" Elizabeth asks.

I look up at her, slightly scared for what was to come. She's mad at me, and now she wants to talk to me. This didn't seem right. Was it some sort of trap?

No, it couldn't be a trap. Not from Elizabeth. She was too kind for that.

I sigh and nod. "Yeah, yeah sure." I mumble, standing up. Alex and Laf both look at me, but I ignore it and head outside the small cafe with the woman in a pale blue dress.

Once we're out there, I debate between staying silent and profusely apologizing. I wasn't sure which option was better, so I chose the latter.

"Elizabeth, I'm so sorry I kept it from you, I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't bring myself to. I'm in the wrong completely in this situation and I fully understand if you never want to speak to me again and-"

"John." She interrupts, causing me to stop and stare at her. She sighs softly. "Look, I'm not mad at you. I mean, I was. I was very mad at you."

I look down at the ground, frowning gently. How did I get mixed up in all of this?

"But then I realized why you kept it from me. Because if I were in your shoes, I would have kept it a secret myself." She says, sitting down on a nearby bench.

I hesitate but sit next to her. "So.. Why did you want to talk to me, then?"

"I just don't know who else to talk to. We became really good friends after the incident, and I hope I didn't ruin that by holding a grudge against you." She says, looking at me with a sad look in her eyes.

"Are you kidding? I thought I ruined it by being an idiot." I smile gently at her. "I would love to keep that friendship, what do you need to talk to me about?"

Elizabeth pauses and looks around, chewing on her lower lip gently before turning back to me. "Remember how I started seeing someone else?"

I nod. "Yes, yes I remember."

"I don't know what to do. I haven't told her Alex is alive yet, and I don't know how to. I don't want to break off what we had, but I'm committed to Alex, aren't I?"

I sigh softly. "Well, do you still love Alex? He told me you two had been fighting a lot recently.."

"Well, yes, before he supposedly died." She sighs. "We are trying to fix it, he suggested marriage counseling. But, I don't know.. I love him, and I love our life, but Maria is.." She freezes and looks at me. "I never told you it was Maria, did I."

I shrug. "It doesn't matter who it is, what matters is how you feel." I say. "Have you thought that maybe you haven't told her because you don't really want it to end?"

"Of course I don't want it to end. I really, really like her. I enjoy spending time with her." She takes a deep breath. "But Alex is back now, I have a responsibility. I made a vow to him, till death do we part."

"No one is going to blame you for wanting to leave him, Elizabeth."

"Are you saying that because it's what's good for me? Or because you want to be with him?"

I stop at the question, shocked by the suddenness of it. I was not expecting that, not one bit. "I- uh- what?" I manage to stutter out.

"Oh, please, John. Drop the act." She says. "I'm not naive, I can see the way you look at him, and how heartbroken you were when he was gone. And then you kept his secret from me, I know you love him."

Does everyone know? Am I really that bad at hiding it?

"Elizabeth, I put my feelings aside long ago. I can assure you that what I'm saying is for your own good. I don't want you to be unhappy." I reply, still not sure how I was supposed to react to the previous question.

She looks at me, studying my face. "Okay.. I believe you.." She mumbles.

I sigh a breath of relief and nod. "Okay.. So what now?"

"Now, I guess I talk to Maria. Tell her the truth."

"And then talk to Alex about it." I say. "And remember, don't stay together for your kids. It can really take a toll on them. You two can still be great parents away from each other."

"You really think so?" Elizabeth asks and I nod. "I just.. I don't want them blaming themselves if we did get divorced. They have nothing to do with their father's stupidity."

I chuckle gently and nod. "Then it's better to get a divroce now, rather than later. If you wait, then they're definitely going to blame themselves."

She nods gently. "Okay.. I'll talk with Alex about it." She then pulls me into a hug. "Thank you so much, John. You're a really good friend."

I smile softly and hug her back. "I'm just glad I could help, and that you're back to not hating me anymore."

She looks back to the cafe. "I suppose we should head back inside, yes?"

I shake my head. "No, I think I'm going to head home. Give Lafayette and Alexander my regards, please."

She nods and we part ways, a heavy weight being lifted off my chest.

Timeskip brought to you by rolling along to like a week later.

I had just arrived at home from work. It was a long day, I was tired. Thomas decided to overwork me today for literally no reason other than to be a jackass. Typical Thomas.

I groan and plop down on my couch, a drink in one hand and the remote to my TV in the other. As I go to turn it on, there is a knock on the door. Not a very firm one, but definitely consistent.

I sigh and set my stuff down before heading to the door, opening the door to reveal a dysfunctional Alexander. I roll my eyes.

"Well, I'd invite you in for a drink, but it looks like you already had some." I scold softly.

"I had to relieve my worries and pains, and the bar just wasn't cutting it anymore." He chuckles drunkenly. "That's why I'm here!"

"Alex, you need to go home. I'll call Eliza to come pick you up."

"No! Don't call that woman! She's vile." He replies.

"Alexander, she's your wife."

"Please, just let me come in, dearest friend."

I stare at him and sigh. I should really call Eliza, considering we just fixed our friendship. But then again, maybe his kids shouldn't see him like this.

Option One: Let him in.
Option Two: Call Eliza to take him home. 

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1151 Words

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