Chapter Seventeen

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Option One: Ask what happened

“So.. What happened to Philip?” I ask as we drive.

I glance over to see him bouncing his leg nervously, and staring out the window. “Um.. Philip was playing a little too close to the river and fell in. Bashed his head pretty hard, luckily Peggy and Angelica were with them and they pulled him out.”

I fight the urge to point out the similarities between him and his son, though I know he was probably thinking about it. “He’s going to be alright, Alex, I promise. He’s a strong boy.”

“He’s only seven, John. So much could happen while I’m not there.. I could lose him-”

“No, no, no. Alex, stop. You can’t think that way.” I say, driving a little faster. We were only a few minutes away now.

For the rest of the ride, we sat in silence. I didn’t want to keep telling him it was going to be alright, because I knew he wouldn’t believe it anyway. But we couldn’t very well talk about anything else. Not with this event hanging over our heads.

Once we arrive at the hospital, Alex rushes in and immediately goes up to Elizabeth. I sigh softly and walk over to Peggy. “Any updates?” I ask.

She shakes her head sadly. “No, he’s still in there. Doctor said he inhaled a lot of water, and the bash on his head was pretty severe, but he should be fine in the long run.” She says, looking towards Elizabeth and Alex.

“Well, that’s good to hear. He’s a tough kid, I’m sure he’ll pull through.” I say, rubbing her shoulder gently. I wasn’t the best at comforting people, but I really tried.

Suddenly a doctor walks into the waiting room and looks at his clipboard. “Uh, family of Philip Hamilton?” He asks.

We all look up at him. “Yes, yes, that’s us. What’s going on?” Elizabeth asks, holding onto Alex. And Alex was holding her back.

“He’s awake now. Still a little drowsy. I just need his parents in there, so he can see some familiar faces.” The doctor says, nodding.

Alex and Elizabeth follow him back into the hospital and I sit down next to Angelica, Peggy sitting across from us. Little Ange was fast asleep in Angelica’s arms, her cheeks stained with tears, but otherwise she looked very peaceful.

“He’s awake, that’s a good thing.” Peggy says, sighing a breath of relief.

“Definitely. Did you see the way those two were holding each other though?” Angelica asks. “Makes me wonder why they’re getting a divorce in the first place.”

My eyes widen a little and I stare at the floor, listening in.

“Because they’re both just holding each other back.” Peggy says.

“Maybe, but they still care for each other, you can tell. The second something like this happens, they’re back to loving each other again.” The older sister sighs. “Are they really doing the right thing?”

“I think that’s Eliza’s choice, not ours.” The girl in yellow says firmly. “Besides, I thought you hated Alex.”

“Was I upset he was going to be my brother-in-law because of how insanely annoying he is? Yes. But I don’t completely hate him. And I see that he makes Liz happy.”

“Well, he used to. Before they were getting a divorce, she forced everything. She forced her happiness, it wasn’t genuine.”

“I don’t know, what do you think, John?” Angelica asks, and I look up at them.

“Oh, I don’t know, it’s none of my business. They’re both just close friends of mine.” I say, shaking my head.

Angelica rolls her eyes. “Oh, come on, you don’t have an opinion on it?”

“I mean, I do, but it’s not my place to think what they should do.” I shrug.

“Well, they’re not here. You can tell us.” Angelica pushes. Now I see why Elizabeth doesn’t talk with her as much as she does Peggy.

"Ange, just drop it, it's fine." Peggy says. "He's right, it's none of our business what those two do. If they choose to stay together, cool, but if they're set on a divorce, then let it be."

Angelica sighs and looks towards where the pair left us. "It would have been so much better for her to be a widow than a divorced single mom."

"Angelica! How could you say that?" Peggy asks, obviously shocked.

"What? It's the truth. You know how much money Alex is going to take from her?" The girl in pink asks, raising an eyebrow. "Eliza comes from a rich family, he's just.. Alex."

I frown at this. "Alex has no intention of taking her money." I pipe up. "He just wants half custody of his kids, and he wants everything to go smoothly between the two of them."

They both look over to me curiously. "And how would you know that?" Angelica asks.

"He told me."

"Oh, right, I forgot you two were like best friends." Peggy says, sitting back in her chair.

"I'm not convinced. Why else would he come back just to divorce her?" I take a sip of my water as Angelica continues to push the topic.

"Maybe he found someone else?" Peggy asks, tilting her head.

I choke on my water and try to cover it up by coughing into my elbow. They both give me a concerned look. “Um, John you okay over there?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” I finish coughing and then clear my throat. “I just choked on my water, that’s all.”

Before they could question me, Elizabeth and Alex walked back into the waiting room. They weren’t holding each other anymore, and they seemed relieved.

“Well? What happened?” Peggy asks.

“Philip is alright. He’s got a concussion, but it’s nothing too bad. We just have to keep an eye on him for the next week or so, make sure he’s extra careful.” Elizabeth nods, smiling gently.

The three of us sigh a breath of relief, and Alex chuckles softly. “And Philip is super excited to be missing school tomorrow.”

“Oh, that’s right. Who’s going to watch the two kids tomorrow?” Elizabeth asks.

“I don’t have work tomorrow, I’ve got it.” Alex says. Elizabeth looks at him, raising a brow.

“You want to watch both of them? At the same time?”

“I- What? I’m their father, you don’t think I can take care of them?” Alex asks.

Elizabeth frowns gently. “Well, no, not necessarily. Excuse me for worrying for them.”

Alex scoffs quietly and nods. “Yeah, okay, I worry for them too, I’m their dad." He repeats.

"Peggy, are you free to babysit tomorrow?" Elizabeth asks, completely ignoring Alex.

Peggy bites her lip. "Uh, yeah, but if Alex wants to watch them.."

"So it's settled, Peggy will watch Philip and Angie." Elizabeth nods.

Option One: Side with Alex
Option Two: Stay quiet

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