Chapter Thirty One

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Option One: Timeskip

"Are you sure you haven't heard anything new? Surely you guys must have found something out-"

"Like I said yesterday and the day before, I'm sorry, but we're doing everything we can." The lady sighs and looks up at me. "Look, are you sure your friend maybe just doesn't want to be found?"

I freeze and look at the officer. She was raising her eyebrow at me. I knew it was entirely possible. She knew it was entirely possible. But I didn't want to accept that. I couldn't accept that.

"No, you don't understand, he's out there somewhere, waiting to be found-"

"Mr. Laurens, we've done this before. Sometime earlier this year, he was reported missing. And then the files reported him as dead. And then he wasn't. Now he's missing again?" She shakes her head at her computer screen. "I'm just saying, it's normal for these things to happen again after someone has done it once."

"It's different this time. I know it is. It has to be." I nod.

She looks up at me and sighs. "Look, I'm sorry, I really am. I'm just letting you know there is a possibility he simply ran away again. And if that's the case, there's nothing we can do about it."

"So what? You're just going to stop looking for him then? Because of something that happened in the past?" I ask, biting my tongue so I didn't say anything I would regret.

"No, I didn't say that. I'm just warning you. We are still looking for him, and we will reach out to you if we get any leads or anything like that. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Your friend is not the only missing person we are looking for, unfortunately." She goes back to typing on her computer and I groan gently, turning away.

She wasn't any help, and she hasn't been for the past two weeks Alex has been missing. I walk out of the police station and stand by my car, looking around. I just wanted to see his face. I wanted to know he was alright.

My phone rings and I answer it right away, not bothering to check caller id. "Hello?"

"Hey John, did you get any new answers?"

I sigh softly. "I'm sorry Liz, but no. Nothing new."

She hesitates, and then asks, "Can we meet up? Please? Maria is with the kids and.. I just need to see a different face."

I nod. "Yeah, of course. Mark's Diner?" I suggest.

"I'll be there in ten minutes." She says, and from the other side I could hear her moving around, getting stuff together.

"See you soon." I hang up and get into my car, resting my head on my steering wheel. If Alex truly did just run away, I'm not so sure that he would come back like he did last time. His pride would stop him.

But it would have been awful timing. The day he asks me out is the day he leaves? It just doesn't make sense. That doesn't seem like Alex at all.

Okay, maybe it kind of does sound like Alex. Maybe that is something he would possibly do.

But I don't think that he did this time.

I shake away my thoughts and begin my drive over to the diner. Liz needed my support now, and I needed hers, so I just needed to get to the diner as soon as possible.

Mini timeskip brought to you by 9-1-1 (the LA version of the show)

"We need to go out and look for him."

I turn my head and see Eliza standing next to me. I raise an eyebrow.

"Uh, I thought we would discuss over food instead." I say, gesturing to the other seat across from me.

Never Say Forever (LAMS READERS CHOICE)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang