Chapter Twenty Eight

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Option one: Ask John to move in

"Wait, they're moving in?" Alex asks, following me around the house as I cleaned up.

"Uh, yeah, they need a place to stay for a little while." I say, not looking at him. I was already pretty nervous about all of this, and Alex pestering me about it was not helping.

"And where do you think they're going to stay? You only have your room and my room. Why didn't you ask me before you told them they could stay? I thought she didn't like you, now she's willing to live with you? How do you think your daughter is going to get along with my kids? Don't you think we should talk this through?"

"Look, Alex, I'm just as stressed as you are, if not more. And you following me around and talking nonstop about whatever is not helping." I say, turning around to face him. "Now, one question at a time, please."

He crosses his arms. "I thought this Martha chick didn't like you. Why did she all of a sudden change her mind?"

"First off, don't call her chick, second off, her apartment went up in flames, Alex. She needs somewhere to stay, and luckily my daughter had my number." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"Or so she says. Maybe she just wants to.. Take advantage of your kindness." He says, shrugging softly.

"You don't know her like I do." I snap at him before turning back around. "Besides, I offered to help her, I'm not going to go back on my word. And maybe now, I can do something to make up for all these years."

"Okay, fine, and where are they going to stay, then?" I hear him ask and I freeze slightly. "Because last I checked, you only had two bedrooms."

I turn back to face him and bite my lip gently. "Well.. Uh, I was going to give them your room."

"What?" He was not very happy with this response.

"Just for the time being! They're coming today, so that's not really enough time to turn another room into a room for them, but I'm going to work on cleaning out my office to make it another room. But for now, I wanted to make sure they had a room to stay in."

"And where am I supposed to sleep? I pay half of the rent, and I'm going to have to sleep on the couch?"

"No! I don't know, I haven't figured it out yet-"

The doorbell rang, interrupting our argument, and Alex groans loudly. "They're here already?"

"Shush, Alex. Be nice, this is my chance to prove I'm sorry. The least you could do is be friendly." I explain to him. He looks unimpressed as he crosses his arms.

"Fine. I'll be friendly to them. But this conversation is not over."

I sigh a breath of relief. "Fine, okay, deal. Now, could you maybe move some of your stuff out of the room? Just so they can set their stuff somewhere?"

He rolls his eyes. "This is why we don't make decisions without our roommates, you know." He argues. He still goes to his room, however, and I'm assuming does as I asked. I take a deep breath and run down the stairs, heading to the front door.

I open the door and see Martha and our kid standing outside, Martha wearing the same expression Alex was wearing like five seconds ago.

"Martha, so good to see you-"

"Thank you for letting us stay here, but that's all this is. We'll only be here until I can find a new place to stay." She interrupts.

I nod and look down at the twelve-year-old, who was smiling brightly. "Hi Dad."

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