Chapter Thirty Three

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Option Three: The river

"It has to be the river."

"You're wrong, it can't be the river! That would be too obvious.." I mumble, groaning softly.

"Think about it; He said he's where it all started. Where did all this shit start going downhill? That night the two of you went to the river, and he.. You know.." Eliza sighs softly and I raise an eyebrow.

"Where he faked his own death? Yeah, that seems like the obvious choice, but Francis wasn't there. How would he know that that had happened?" I ask.

Eliza now raises an eyebrow back at me. "John, he's been here this whole time. He knows pretty much everything. I'd be surprised if he didn't know about the death that made the newspapers, and then seeing you with Alex made him realize it was fake." She says to me.

I pause for a moment. She did make a very good point there. Who knows how long Francis has been in New York, watching me from a distance, waiting to make his move. He did reach out to me not too long after Alex's supposed "death," it wouldn't be surprising if he saw it in the papers and gave it some time before calling me. If that were the case, that truly would be where this all began.

"Eliza, I think you're right." I nod and she smiles softly.

"I'm always right." She stands up from the couch and huffs slightly, adjusting her clothes. "Now, my kids will not lose their father again, let's go get him back."

I smile up at her. She was so brave, like constantly. She had the kind of confidence that would make anyone follow her into battle. Or in this case, the confidence to make me follow her back to the river to find Alex.

We start to head out the door and before we could get out, there was a loud, forced cough. We turn around and see Maria standing there, crossing her arms and cocking an eyebrow at us.

"And where exactly do you two think you're going?" She asks.

I look over at Eliza and she calmly answers with, "We're going to go look for Alex."

"Okay, I want to come with you." Maria says. "I'm tired of you two leaving without me, leaving me out of all of this. I want to help."

I give her a confused look. "You want to help your current girlfriend look for her ex-husband?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes and looks at me. "You're one to talk. You're teaming up with your boyfriend's ex-wife to find him."

"I- But-" I stutter, not expecting her to be so up front about it.

"Maria, don't-" Eliza pauses and looks back at me. "Boyfriend?"

I blush slightly and my eyes widened. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that to Eliza. I probably should have done that sooner.

"Uhh.. Surprise?" I chuckle nervously.

She stares at me in shock, looking as if she weren't sure what to say. "I.. Wow.. Okay. First you apparently have a kid, now this. It hasn't been that long since we've caught up."

"It's been an eventful month?" I bite my lip gently. "I'm sorry, I should have told you. It's just.. He asked me out the same night he went missing, so there was a lot on my plate after that.." I tell her.

Eliza nods slowly, furrowing her brows gently. "You.. I mean, I knew you liked him, but I had no idea- How long has he liked you?"

I shrug gently. "I.. Don't know. It's kind of a mess, really. Maybe we can talk about this later? When Alex's life isn't on the line?"

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