Chapter Twenty Three

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 To do a mini recap, John and Alex were going to go on a date and then Alex drove up to find John and Francis kissing in the doorway. He assumed they were together and drove off, feeling heartbroken. This is like two weeks after that.


I haven't heard from Alex since he saw me with Francis. It's fine, though. I wanted to move on now.

Which is why I gave Francis a second chance.

I'm not entirely sure what possessed me to give him one, but here we are, cuddling on my couch and watching a movie. It was nice, actually. The feeling of being in someone's arms, I mean. I've been waiting for Alex for so long, it was time to move on.

Francis wasn't ideal, but I suppose he was better than nothing. I needed someone, he was the only one I could go to.

"Hey, Francis?"

"Yes, John?" He asks, not moving away from our position.

"Why do you choose to stay with me? I said all those things to you, about you.. Why would you even want to be with me?" I ask, clinging onto his shirt.

He kisses my forehead and I feel a bit more at ease. "I knew you would come around. You were hurt when you said those things, it's not your fault."

I sigh softly. "I guess so.." I mumble.

He pauses, as if he was thinking his next response through. "Why don't we go to dinner tonight?"

I just nod. My emotions were weird when I was with him. I mainly felt sad, but I figured that was just because I felt guilty. I mean, that had to be what it was. He was really kind, and was trying his best when I kept turning him down.

After the movie ended, we got up and got ready to go to dinner. We went to his favorite restaurant, which was of course seafood. I didn't really mind, I just got chicken tenders everytime I went. No way was I going to eat anything that came out of the sea.

When we get there, I see none other than Alex and Eliza sitting at a table together, and I feel my heart sink. I don't know why I was hurt, I was with Francis now. But seeing them together definitely did not make me feel good. I scooted closer to Francis and held his hand as we walked past them, hoping not to get noticed.

That plan failed, however, when I heard a female call, "John?"

We stop and turn around and I smile awkwardly at the two. Alex looks at me with a sad look in his eyes but a small smile on his face. "Oh, uh, hey guys."

Francis squeezes my hand gently and I bite my lip. Eliza looks at me and then Francis, and then back at me, giving me a confused look. "John, who's this?" She asks.

"Um, Eliza, Alex, meet Francis." I say, gesturing up to him.

Francis nods. "I'm his boyfriend."

Eliza's eyes widen and she looks at Alex. Alex just shrugs gently and they both look back to me.

Eliza nods. "Well, uh, this is certainly a surprise. It's nice to meet you, Francis." She smiles and holds her hand out.

Francis shakes her hand, smiling gently. "It's nice to meet you, too."

"Uh, what are you two doing here?" I ask.

"We're just having lunch together. Maria's watching the kids, and we wanted a break from all the paperwork and stuff." Eliza says. "Well, I wanted a break. I dragged Alex along."

I nod. I almost forgot they were getting a divorce. They weren't here on a date, they were here as friends. For some reason, that made me feel better, though I don't know why.

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