Chapter Twenty One

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Option One: Say yes

“And unless you’re actually waiting for something, I’d like to take you out.”

I freeze at this. Did he really just say those words?

"I.. I was waiting for you." I smile softly. "A date sounds nice, though. What were you thinking?"

"Are you free Friday?" He asks.

"Umm, no, I have work. What about Thursday?"

He shakes his head. "I have work. Saturday maybe?"

I think about it and then nod. "I'm free Saturday."

"Awesome, I'll plan it out and then let you know what we're doing then." He sips his tea, smiling a bit.

I blush gently and nod, sipping my tea as well. I was going on a date with Alexander Hamilton. This Saturday.

Could it get better than this? Actually, I’m not even going to ask that. Knowing my luck, something bad will happen before the date.

He’s Alexander Hamilton. He gets the good relationship. He gets to make mistakes and still have people like him. He can do whatever or whoever he wants, and barely faces any consequences.

I’m John Laurens. I don’t get the guy. I don’t get the happily ever after. I just get a boring life filled with heartbreak and misery. And rebounds.

Timeskip brought to you by my economics class o.o

There was a knocking on the door as I was getting ready for my date. I look at the clock. If it was Alex, he was about a half hour early. And if I knew anything about Alex, he was all about punctuality. For the most part.

I sigh and finish buttoning up my shirt before going and opening the door. I groan. “Francis, what the hell are you doing here? I went to dinner with you, you said you would leave me alone.”

He chuckles softly. “Well, someone looks extra spiffy. What are you getting all dressed up for?”

I smirk and lean against the door. "I, am going on a date, with Alexander." I say smugly.

He raises an eyebrow before shaking his head and laughing. "Oh my, you don't have to keep that charade up any longer, John. I know you two aren't actually dating."

"Well, jokes on you, because I actually am going on a date with him tonight." I repeat. This time, it hopefully wasn't a lie.

"Really? You're going on a date with him?"

"Yes. You're right, we pretended for the dinner, but he asked me out for real afterwards." I nod.

"What time is your date, then?" He asks.

"He's picking me up at five." I smile.

He checks his phone and nods. "Good, then we have some time to talk." He starts to walk in and I step in front of him so he can't enter.

"No, go away, I have to finish getting ready. And quite frankly, I don't want to talk with you." I say.

"Oh, so I guess you won't mind if I stick around and let your little boyfriend know what you did all those years ago?" Francis asks, smirking slightly.

I think about it and then sigh, moving out of the way for him. He chuckles and walks in, mumbling, "That's what I thought."

I close the door behind him and grab my comb off the coffee table. "Follow me, I'm not going to let you interrupt me getting ready."

He nods and we go to my bathroom. I started getting out all my hair products so I could try and tame the mop on my head I call hair.

"Well? Start talking, I don’t have all day.” I say.

He chuckles softly. “I wanted to talk about us. I know our relationship was a little rocky, but I still love you.”

I stop and stare at him, raising an eyebrow. “A little rocky? You manipulated me. You verbally abused me everyday. That’s a bit more than a little rocky.” I roll my eyes.

“But I’ve changed. I promise I have.” He says.

“Right, that’s why you’re blackmailing me right now.” I nod, returning to my hair.

“Would you have talked to me otherwise?”

I think about it a moment and then sigh. “No, I wouldn’t have. But blackmailing is never okay, and I don’t owe you anything.”

“No, you really don’t-”

“Also, you’re not doing a very good job of keeping it to yourself. Dinner the other day? Where you were practically dangling it in front of me and Alex? That was not alright. You promised to keep it if I went to dinner.” I scold.

“I didn’t tell him that was you.”

“But Alex is smart, he could have figured it out.” I say. “It’s not your right to tell anyone, I will tell him when I’m ready to.”

“Oh, so you are going to tell him.”

“Eventually, yes. If I see us going anywhere with our relationship, I’m going to have to tell him.” I nod, pinning part of my hair back.

Francis chuckles softly. “Right, okay. So you’re not going to tell him, then?”

“What do you mean? I just told you I was.”

“John, there is no way you and Alex are going to last.” He says plainly. “This is the same man you have been in love with for God knows how long, and he has rejected you every day.”

I shrug. “Not every single day.” I mumble, trying not to think about what he was saying. This is what he always did, and I cannot let myself be fooled again.

“Maybe not every single day. But he picked his wife over you. The man has kids for Pete’s sake.”

“So what? He’s picking me, now. Need I remind you he asked me out?” I scoff.

“Yeah, this time. But at the end of the day, you know who he’s going to pick?” He asks. “Eliza and his kids.”

I don’t look at him, and instead focus on my hair. I couldn’t let this get to me, it wouldn’t do any good. But he did have a point. Elizabeth would always be a part of his life, so maybe he was just going to go back to her in the end anyway.

I shake my head, clearing his words from my head. “No, you don’t know Alex like I do. He’s serious about this, I know it.”

“You’re right, I don’t know Alex, but-”

“You’ve overstayed your welcome, Francis. It’s time for you to leave now.” I say, not looking at him.

“John, I-”

“No, I’m not kidding. Leave, and don’t ever come back.” I turn and start walking towards the front door, Francis following me.

“Listen, we can talk this through, Jacky.” He says as I open the front door.

I frown and glare at him. “I have told you time and time again not to call me that.”

He holds his hands up in defense and moves a little closer to me. "It's just a nickname, ya know."

I open the door a little wider and gesture outside it. "You need to leave."

He takes a step closer. "You don't really mean that."

"Get out of my fucking house, Francis!" I practically shout.

He raises an eyebrow and then smirks slightly, pulling me into a kiss. My eyes widen and I try to pull away, but he pushes me against the door so I can't back up.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I heard a car honk in front of my house. I gasp and try pushing Francis away, but he doesn't budge.

I'm stuck.

Option One: A
Option Two: B

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So I kept the choices hidden because if you knew them, everyone would obviously choose one over the other. Sooooo I hope you choose the right choice :)

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