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Liverpool England,
June 12th

George had in fact asked Isabelle on a date that night, and the girl had in fact agreed to go for a meal a week later, but having had an interview on a radio up in London, it had been cancelled

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

George had in fact asked Isabelle on a date that night, and the girl had in fact agreed to go for a meal a week later, but having had an interview on a radio up in London, it had been cancelled.

Isabelle was upset for weeks when the boy hadn't phoned or wrote to her, but they were busy now.

With their music and their suits and haircuts.

The Beatles were big!

They had made it in America and were working in London now, recording for another album. Of course Isabelle was chuffed for the group and did not hold back from letting everyone know she was friends with the band, she also did miss seeing them ever day.

So did Ivan.

Every since the boys big break, Brian had been strict on the boys' clean and family friendly image, Isabelle thought it was rediculous! Imagine trying to make four liverpool lads family friendly? impossible.

But he did try, having the boys neat and tidy at all times and having them wave at cameras and smile at all the girls.

It was quite funny to watch really, when Brian took over, because depsite Paul's deal to keep Ivan as their manager Brian and the boy just did not get on. Ivan claimed he knew the boys better than the older man, whiel the older man thought Ivan was a clueless twenty two year old man-child.

So after the boys' first radio interview a big fight blew up and Ivan refused to see any of the boys...and also forbid them from seeing his little sister.

He'd began managing some new girl group he'd met down the Cavern and was convinced Brian was going to try snatch the group from under them.

"Ivan why would he steal them when he has the Beatles!?" she asked after he came home in yet another tantrum one evening, "I mean if you go up to anybody in the streets and say ,would you like Paul McCartney or Lucy Smith to sing you to sleep who would you chose?' They will pick Paul! Brian does not need the heartbreakers. Stop being paranoid" she spat, "now leave me alone and let me work-"

"You don't get it!" he yelled, clearly upset as he stormed over to the living room window. "Oh look who it is" he muttered knocking the wjndow obnoxiously and shaking a finger at somebody.

John ignored him, jumping over the Vaughan's short fence and openign the front door.

"Morning!" he yelled from the hallway, Isabelle laughed when Ivan took a dramatic breath and walked out "be nice Ivy" she said.

Harmlessly in LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin