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Liverpool England,
3rd December

Liverpool England,3rd December1957

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Since the schools went back after summer Isabelle had seen the boys less and less. She was the only one going back to school this year, so while they went out to gigs she was at home studying. Isabelle was very proud of what the boys had achieved, they'd become the heart of the Cavern Club amd people looked forward to a Friday night when they could see them live - But it wasn't a Friday that annoyed her.

It was Saturdays.

Every Saturday the boys would meet up to rehearse, and since Ivan had been deemed the boys "manager"  the practises were always held at the Vaughan's.

It didn't annoy her before, during the break, but now they're back at school and a Saturday was her only day off she wasnt in the mood for hearing Pete playing a crappy set at seven in the morning while Paul and John bicker like lovers and George eats the food that consumes the Vaughan's cupboards. It was really beginning to get on her nerves.

The door bell rung at six that morning, earlier than usual, Isabelle noted before she rolled out of bed and walked down.

"Where is Ivan!?" Paul shouted as he shoved in past the girl, George, John and Pete following, Pete was half asleep and John looked like he would ring Paul by the neck if he shouted in his ear again, but George patted Isabelle on the shoulder politely.


"Paul be quiet" Isabelle hissed as her big brother appeared beside her, "Why are you here Macca?" Ivan groaned following his pals into the kitchen and glaring at his sister when she kicked his ankle and motioned to the group.

"Boys it is six in the morning! I have school, Maureen's coming later and I have to-"

"John and the silver Beatles are going to Hamburg!" Paul interrupted loudly, and proudly. The boys looked at eachother in disbelief, "Hamburg as in- Hamburg Germany?" John blundered "The Hamburg Germany?" Pete questioned, "No Hamburg Liverpool- of course Hamburg Germany!" Paul groaned.

And so the boys irrupted into cheers wrapping eachother into a group hug, and grinning like a group of children on Halloween.

The Vaughan Siblings smiled proudly at their friends, before Paul had ran over hugging Ivan "Ivy helped didn't you?" he asked messing up the boys auburn hair, the boy nodded and his little sister grinned when Ivan was pulled into the hug.


"You'll be real rockstars now then?" Isabelle smiled as she put some cereal into bowls for the group, George grinned when she started talking, "Ye' say that like we weren't real rockstars this entire time" John teased and Isabelle rolled her eyes as she placed a glass in the sink.

"Won't you come back though...perform at the Cavern on a Friday?" Isabelle asked, looking hopeful, but the boys laughed "As soon as I can get out of here, I'm leaving and never looking back" Paul insisted and the boys all agreed, Isabelle looked hurt at the idea, "I think...that we should" George said quietly and Paul raised a brow "Come back and perform every now and then...for Issy" he said casually before taking a drink, John smirked at Ivan and nudged Paul.

"You'll be here every weekend though George" John paused "For date night" he grinned motioning to the blonde girl, George glared as panic over took his face, he turned to the girl. "Hey, Issy?"

"Yes Georgie?-" she began

"Georgie? awww" Paul teased but Ivan smacked him before he could go on.

"Did you know our Johnny has a steady?" George smirked mischeviously but John glared at the younger boy, "A GIRL?!" she questioned.

"No he was jokin-"

"Her name is Cynthia" George winked, the girl blushed which didn't go unnoticed by her brother who glared sneakily at him from behind.

"You have a girlfriend?" she laughed, John groaned "Why the tone of surprise?" he asked and smirked nudging Pete who laughed loudly.

"I honestly thought you and Paul were a thing-"

Paul flung a bread roll at her while John blushed a deep red and the others snickered quietly almost scared incase John overheard and threw a fit.

written: 04/11/20

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