Chapter 8

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Suddenly the lights went off. Someone dragged Sana away.

Sana : "Aah. Who the hell is-"

???? : "shush... it's me." (That's what I'm asking hun. 'Me' who???)

Sana : "How can you do this to me? Are you serious?"

???? : "Why? Weren't you the one who wanted to play this love and breakup game? C'mon I'm starting to enjoy it now. And Anyways... if you want to back off, you can consider your defeat and come to me. I'm always there for you."

He pecked Sana's lips leaving her shook. The lights went on again. 

Taehyung and Tzuyu were still standing at the center of the stage hugging each other where as all other pairs were already away from the stage. Jungkook was standing there alone looking at Taehyung and Tzuyu. Jungkook was brought to reality by all loud cheers and applauds audience were giving to the beautiful couple. 

He found Sana coming out of restroom. They both bid a short good bye to taehyung and left the party.


Sana was already tired from the party. She changed to her night dress and went to sleep. Jungkook came out of restroom and like everyday sat on chair looking at stars. But today it was different, instead of old memories of his childhood with Tzuyu, Taehyung and Tzuyu dancing together, hand-in-hand, smiling at each other at the party these images kept running in his mind. These days after he met her in his marriage, he keeps thinking about her, a girl who is not his tzuyu. This feeling made him feel sick, to be clear his Heart would beat at a faster rate. His Heart Ached. He was already tired of this feeling.

He would ask himself 'Why am I thinking of her even when I know that she is not my tzuyu?', 'Why do I feel jealous when she is around taehyung?', 'Why does my heart ache when I think about her?', 'What's wrong with my Heart? What's wrong with me???!'

Forgetting these thoughts he wanted to distract his mind and his phone and social media was of no help cause he would just stalk her account and check her posts. He reached to the book 📙 which was lying on the table near him and started reading it.........


Who do you guys think was the mysterious man in the party?

WHY is Jungkook feeling like that?

To know about what book is Jungkook reading or what is he gonna do, keep reading.



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