Chapter 15

330 22 11


(The day when Sana and Taehyung will meet.)

As decided Jungkook and Sana were already at the place a few minutes before the decided time.

It was a very elegant restaurant with beautiful setting. Tzuyu and Taehyung entered the restaurant. Tzuyu searched for two familiar people and dragged Taehyung to their seat when she successfully spotted them. Sana and Taehyung were surprised to see each other.

JK : "Hello Taehyung, Hello tzuyu. Nice to see you here." He said shaking hands with Taehyung.

SANA : "Hi tzuyu!"

TZUYU : "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Jeon. Are you here for dinner too?"

SANA : " Yes and Please call me Sana. No need for the formalities." Tzuyu just smiled in response.

SANA : "Why don't you guys join us?"

TAE : "We are good if you are fine with it, Jungkook?"

JK : "Yeah, Please. It's a pleasure."

TAE : "Lets order something before talking." Taehyung said as they settled to the four side of a round table. (LOL. 'Sides' of the 'Round' table. 😂 . Your author's logic is amazing I must say...)

They ordered and ate the mouth watering dinner.

After they were finished, they were waiting for the waiters so that they can order desserts.

JK : "Sana, Taehyung, You might be thinking that it was a coincidence that we came at the same place for dinner but it isn't. I and Tzuyu planned to meet here today. We both have a confession to do." Jungkook stopped and looked at tzuyu looking confused. Both Sana and Tae were shocked by Jungkook's sudden confession. They moved their head in sync to look at Tzuyu then to Jungkook again.




































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