Chapter 11

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Today, Jungkook finally woke up for a long hibernation. This year felt even more longer than the ten years because he was right infront of me but not with me. Even the word miss is not enough to tell how much I missed him. Spending whole day near his bed, returning home to sleep at night and missing Jungkook's voice and smile was all I did this whole year. If I didn't had Mr. Gucci by my side, I would've died cause of loneliness.

I just felt genuinely happy when he is around. I love his presence. He just makes me feel special in every way. But for a few days he isn't with me. He said he had to meet a friend there in China wait- did I tell you how rich he is? Well, his father is one of the richest businessman in Seoul. But it was never the reason I loved him for, I fell for his clumsiness, cuteness and to add to it his adorable boxy smile. And my smile found its way to my lips.

But all these days what had me worried about a lot was that what will I tell Jungkook when he asks about Tzuyu? When he woke up, he had a memory loss making things easier for me. He forgot everything even the accident except his childhood with me. Those were the only fresh memories in his mind.

I told him about what happened after Jungkook and I seperated 11 years ago but I thought that hidding a few things from Jungkook was good for now. Let's hope everything goes fine and he moves on from his past.




Jungkook is totally recovered now. The scars left his body but some things still didn't leave his mind. He has some nightmares reminding his of the horrible things happened a year ago.

He is living a normal life but without tzuyu even if he doesn't remember her , he feels like he is incomplete. The heart beating inside him will never let him forget who it belongs to (Tzuyu).

Jungkook has returned to his hometown with his parents and I am definitely good with it. I don't feel anything the way I felt for him before. If I knew that Jungkook loves me, it will feel like betraying tzuyu or more like betraying myself.

I am in a relationship with Taehyung for 8 months now. He wanted to be something more than friends but I denied at first. I even tried to ignore him but my stupid heart won't let me. I love to be with him not because he is handsome or because he is rich but because of the infinite times he made me feel so much in love. He was with me when I needed someone the most. He helped me through every good and bad. He cared for me and loved me always made me smile. He is my safe spot, someone I search for when I am need and he never disappoints me. I am confused about what to do. Choose the one I used to love or the one I love now. I can't break taehyung's heart but I promised tzuyu that I'll always take care of Jungkook. Let's see what happens.




I got a call from Jungkook. He told me that he met Mingyu. After tzuyu's operation, Mingyu left to their town and he didn't know that Jungkook was in comatose even after the heart transplant. I knew that one day Jungkook will remember everything but didn't expect it to be this early. I feel bad for Jungkook, I want to go near him, hug him and tell him that I am always by his side. I really miss him... 

My relationship with taehyung is very good so far. He has become more protective now. I feel so good when I am with him. But why do I feel like this happiness is temporary? I don't want to part from him. NEVER. I can't live without him. 

I just hope Jungkook also finds a girl who can take care of him and love him much better than me.


Major hint about the past in Page 7. It is related to 'OUR HEART.'

Well, A keen observer will get the point easily.

Anyways, Enjoy Reading Sana's Diary. But make sure Sana doesn't know... 😅😅😅

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