Epilogue (5)

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After dropping tzuyu, Sana went to Tae's office. As she entered the room, he was surprised and happy to see her. He signalled his employee to leave.

TH : "How come you are here today?"

SN : "Can't I even visit my boyfriend?"

TH : "Obviously, You can! I'm all yours."

SN : "Yeah, so I am here to take what I deserve."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at her but before he could speak anything, Sana sat on his lap and kissed his lips.

After few minutes they finally broke the kiss, both of them were panting heavily.

TH : "I am hungry now. I wanna eat you."

SN : "I knew it. That's why I already brought lunch for you. Let's eat together." She said while dragging him away from his seat to the couch.

They fed each other while Sana told him about what happened to tzuyu the same morning. Taehyung praised her for taking care of tzuyu and also believed that this all must be an misunderstanding. He knew that Jungkook had an additional responsibility on his shoulders, along with his company he had to take care of 'JJ Entertainment', One of the biggest entertainment company of Seoul. Obviously he was concerned about tzuyu because he knew that Jungkook was her whole world. And he didn't want to see his dearest friend heart broken.

After the lunch, Sana happily left for home as taehyung left for a meeting.


*11:30 PM*


I entered our shared apartment. I knew it was too late but like everyday tzuyu must have already slept. I wanted to ask her that why did she leave office without even meeting me?

I threw my coat and bag on couch as I removed my shoes and socks. I started walking towards my room when I noticed tzuyu sleeping on a chair on dining table.

I walked to my room, freshened up and went to the kitchen area but she was not there anymore. I heard a beeping sound from kitchen I went to see tzuyu taking food out of the microwave oven. She noticed me going her direction and said,

TZ : "So, How was your day? Are you hungry or already full of her?" She took the food to dining table and sat on the corner chair as I followed her and sat beside her on the other side of table.

I smiled at her but what she just said didn't sound right.

JK : "What are you talking about?"

TZ : "Umm... I said are you hungry or ate outside." She said preventing her eyes from meeting mine.

JK : "Oh! Actually, I am super hungry. It was a busy day at office today."

TZ : "Hmm... That's why you had time to flirt with her right!" She said almost whispering that I couldn't even hear it.

JK : "What?!"

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