Chapter 17

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TAE : "Do you know where and how I met tzuyu?"

SANA : "Maybe in China! She is so popular there."

TAE : "No Sana. I met her here in Korea and took her to China then with her beauty and talent, she became popular."

SANA : "What?!" she said not quite understanding what he was trying to say.

TAE : "Actually, her parents lost their lives saving me from an accident and her father's last words were 'Tzuyu'. I searched for her in whole seoul but after a few days, I found her in a hospital. Doctors told me that she was donating her heart to someone. Then I brought her to China, operated her and got her a new heart as a payback to her parents. We eventually became good friends. I would always hang out with her when I went to China. I asked her about her past but she never told me much about her life. She said that her parents were the only people who loved her and that now she was alone so, she didn't want to return to Korea... I told her that we are always there for her and she can live with us here since we owe her a lot but she said she didn't want to be a burden on us and now she is an independent and a very strong woman. I'm really proud of her. When she was alone and had no one by her side, she worked hard and became what she is now."

Sana was already in a shock, her eyes wide open and tears continuously flowing down.

SANA : "T-TZUYU? She is our tzuyu. She is alive." She said and started crying more "She went through all this alone. No one was with her when she needed someone."

She suddenly stood from her chair wiping her tears  and ran out the restaurant. Taehyung closely followed behind her. They saw Jungkook and Tzuyu coming out of an ice cream shop with smiling at eac other and ice cream in their hands.

Sana was about to call out tzuyu's name when Taehyung pulled Sana in his embrace and whispered " Give them some time. Leave them alone for now. They will find a way too."

Sana pulled back from hug just to meet taehyung's adorable, cute, boxy smile.

She looked straight at his eyes and said pouring her heart out.

SANA : "I love you so much Taehyung. I can't express how happy I am having you back in my arms. I love you." Being the emotional Sana, tears started leaving her eyes.

TAE : " I love you too Sana." His words might be short but the amount of love he put in them was the only thing she needed. (Aww... They both are so cute. 😟😫😣🥰)

Taehyung gave Sana a genuine smile and slowly kissed her lips as she kissed back.

(A happy ending for TaeSana 😊)


Taehyung in leather jacket got me whipped. His whole existence is iconic...

A  quick remainder : "This guy👆 is duality king🤩, don't fall for his hotness coz he is cute 😘 too

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A  quick remainder : "This guy👆 is duality king🤩, don't fall for his hotness coz he is cute 😘 too..."


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