C~59: Act 1-Hey Mom

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"Let's look back in time. Roughly 100 years ago, the Eldian Empire ruled the world with the Power of the Titans." recites Will Tybur.

A crowd of thousands staring in awe at the spectacle upon the stage. Ambassadors, Eldians, generals, reporters all here for a story.

A declaration.

"From the rise of Founder Ymir until today, Titans have robbed enough lives to eradicate humanity three times over."

As the story flows, shadows loom over, depicting the slaughter of the world. To some, it could be seen as fitting how the head of the family who held the War Hammer Titan is Marley's principal patron.

"Countless cultures and peoples have been wiped out by Titans; their histories stolen away. The Eldian Empire's path of slaughter became humanity's history. And when the Eldian Empire ran out of enemies, they soon began slaughtering one another."

Motioning to the side, storytellers show a fabricated history of blind faith turning on itself with words of steel and iron "The Great Titan War had begun. Families holding the nine Titans waged a bloody war. Using this to his advantage, one Marleyan sought victory."

A man stands above the rest, doned in war gear, a spear in hand. "It was the hero, Helos. Thanks to his clever manipulations, the Eldian Empire was tricked into killing each other, one by one."

Helos and another Eldian stand together over the body of another. "By joining hands with the Tybur family, they forced the unbeatable King Fritz to flee and retreat to the island. However, though he fled to Paradis Island, his power still remained."

Shadows fill the stage once again as the audience reels back in fright. "Tens of millions of Titan await on the island to trample the world. To this day, the only reason we haven't been trampled is merely a fluke. Our scholars have no other explanation."

Even with all the fascinated faces, there was one who had to cast her gaze away. "To eliminate this threat, out motherland Marley sent four Titans to the island, but they were beaten back, and only the Armored Titan returned. The darkest bolt-on humanity's history, the Eldian Empire, is alive and well."

Unable to listen to lies any longer, Andrina quietly stands from her seat and steps into the aisle to leave. "Now then, the story I've told thus far is common knowledge. However, the truth is somewhat different."

At these words, Andrina peaks her head over her shoulder, still as ice "In passing down the War Hammer Titan, the Tybur family inherited its memories. Some 100 years ago, it was neither Helos nor the Tyburs who ended the Great Titan War. The one who ended the fighting and saved the world...was King Fritz."

The audience gasps in pure shock, and Andrina's eyes widen as she swerves back around fully. Why? Why share the truth? And why now?

"He anguished over the Eldian Empire's vicious history, tried from the endless infighting, and above all, he was pained by the endless oppression of Marley. He schemed with the Tybur family, and they fabricated a Marleyan hero, his name: Helos."

Andrina felt her hand begin to shake at the story, secrets of the past held onto through the titans now being shared to the world.

And quickly turning away, Andrina refused to hear the story's outcome, showing King Fritz as a hero leads way to say his peace has been disrupted by those who overthrew his power.

She could take the words of hearing how the people she lived among were Island Devils but hear her own daughter's name be sorned as one that wishes to end the world.

Pushing her way through the crowd, Andrina's pace picks up, wanting to escape the words, the declaration of war, a cry to battle. Squeezing her way through the last of the crowd, Andrina rapidly breaths trying to regain her formality.

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