Chapter 18

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(Here's jack is he anything you Imagined?) So today was the day of the big 'battle' as everyone had been calling it and Jess was pretty confident she would win but I guess she couldn't get her hopes up she had to pray to god she didn't lose otherwise it was public humiliation from Kelly and that won't end well but I had a different idea for that if I won it was a grand idea and a few of the guys knew but not many It was a secret and escpically from Kelly

When I was heading off to first period in room F4 for English I found myself standing next to Ben and I slightly rolled my eyes looking over from him I think it was pretty obisius that I was angry at him for getting I to a fight with that other guy whatever his name was but that didn't matter, as we walked into the classroom I sat in my normal spot at the back of the room leaning against the cold bricked wall that I had sometimes fallen asleep against when it got even more boring than it was, as we started working on our set English work it was something about grammar and writing a story about what we picked out of a hat and everyone was picking out small pieces of paper with a topic written on them and as the hat came around to me I la ily put my arm in the hat picking out a piece of paper and I read the topic


Great I thought fiction how was I gonna come up with something when I hated thinking but loved writing

At lunch I thought about how I was going to do this whole cheerleading thing me and Kelly agreed to swap uniforms assuming we were the same size or close it but that didn't really matter right now I was kinda tired and wanted to sleep but I stayed wide awake I couldn't be like this for the game even though cheering was only shaking your ass on the side line "so Jess how are you going to win tonight?" Said Trent "how do you know she's gonna win?" Jamie protested "well she doesn't win everything right?" "Of course not no ones perfect" Trent said mans paused "but she's good at a lot of things" he said and smiled "well yeah but we still don't know" "guys shut up I'm thinking" I said and rubbed my head "what's wrong with you today?" I sighed "you know just my whole reputation of being the star of sports" I said and ran my fingers through my hair
"And it's Kelly I can't loose to her" the guys slightly laughed "theres always something else" Natt said chuckling

After our classes were finished I headed down to meet Kelly like planned to switch uniforms, as soon as I got down there she handed me the dress and I handed her my football gear

"Goodluck" I said and walked past

But she didn't say one thing she kind of just shrugged me off and walked away, today I went home to get Rachel and Mum to come and watch the battle "so tonight's the big night" mum said

"I guess yeah" I said and looked over to Rachel who was holding up the cheerleading dress "ew these look so bad" she said examining the dress's blue stripe down the side of it and the school name the base colour was blue and had a picture of a triangle on the back with the cheerleaders name in the center they were kinda like the puts but we had numbers and our nicknames on them which looked much better then there outfit so I laughed and nodded my head "I know right!" I said and grabbed it rom her "I'm gonna go try it on" I said and walked to my room

The dress fit alright the top half was a little tight but it could do and the bottom flowed so they were able to do tricks and fly there legs around everywhere,I looked in the mirror and I tied my hair into a high pony tail like all the other cheerleaders did it was tight and I hated it I like my hair loose and hung on my back I walked out of my room and up to mum and Rachel "I never thought id see you in a dress" said Rachel

"Ha ha" I said slowly and pushed her shoulder

"I think you look great" mum said

"Of course you do" Rachel said

One of the guysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora