Chapter 26

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(Here's Jessica's dress for homecoming!)

As I walked through school today I felt eyes looking over me even as I walked through the walls I felt embarrassed I'm not sure why I just did now I felt a shoulder brush past me and I looked up to see teresa her dark coloured hair falling over her thin shoulders her blue eyes flickering over me "hey!" She said and smiled "hi" I said and looked away slowly "c'mon I thought we were friends" this made my eyes light up "friends" I said "I thought you hated me?" She looked shocked and replied "no way Your like so awesome being the quaterback of the boys football team espiscally being around all those guys" she said and her shoulder nudged mine I simply smiled and chuckled "and you and Wes you two are like so cute" "I'm not sure if we still date" I said and shrugged my shoulders "why?" She asked "well he thinks me and Jamie have a thing" "it kinda looks like you two do" she said and I rolled my eyes and went to walk off but she grabbed my arms pulling me back "don't" she said "I'm trying to help" "I know" it's just everyone thinks we do" "well prove them wrong" she said and pulled her hair back into a pony tail "or I will"


"So Jess you going to homecoming?" Jamie asked "yes" I answered and his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree "you are!" He said "um yeah is that a big deal or something?" "No it's just I thought you weren't going to go because of you and wes" I sighed "I don't even know if were still together" that's when I felt the warmth of Jamie's hand on mine and I looked towards him pulling back my hand He started "Jess I'm sure he loves you but I feel like this is all my fault" I nodded my head disagreeing "no it's not don't best yourself up over this" I told him smiling reassuringly "it's not your fault" a curve forming into his lips a smile finally on his face "don't let Wesley get to you" he said and then I smiled "so your going to homecoming because?" Well mums pretty much forcing me and Teresa going with me" He looked at me a little shocked "teresa?" "Oh yeah were friends now" he shook his head a little "I didn't see that coming" he said and I heard the shhhs coming from the old Maths teacher that then salves back over the board "so who are you going with to homecoming?" I asked and he scratched the back of his neck I think he even blushed a little "no one" "that's bull" I said and smirked "I'm serious I'm not going with anyone" "are you asking anyone?" I asked and that's when his face flushed red "you are!" I said and almost yelled "tell me who!" "I can't" he said stumbling his words "c'mon you can tell me" "no I cant" "why not?" I asked "its hard to explain" he said and I stared at him "Jamie" I said and then I was cut off by the Maths teacher "could you two please be quiet" he said and I felt sort if suspicious of who Jamie was gonna ask to homecoming "Jamie" I whispered to him "yeah" he said "is it me your gonna ask?" I said and I felt my stomach do flips he looked towards me his hazel eyes looking into my blue eyes I felt his hand on my hair his hands running through my thick hair our faces inches apart he pulled himself closer to me and i felt our lips collide his kiss was different from Wesley's it was like fireworks but I pulled back and looked at him "Jamie" I said "Jessica" he answered I turned and the whole class was staring at us I looked around to see Natt looking at us his mouth calmed shut tightly his eyes fierce his hands working together as fast as they could he was texting oh shit he's telling Wesley I felt my head ache my eyes burning feeling like I was gonna cry but I didn't this was it this was gonna be the death of me "Im sorry" he said I turned to him and my cave red not blushing but I was angry I started to stand up as I started to walk towards the door it busted open
It was
he pushed past me towards Jamie I jumped over an abandoned chair to get to him I stood infront of him pushing against him "don't do this" I said he looked down at me making me feel small "how could you?" He said angrily "it wasn't supposed to happen" "he kissed you for gods sake your my girlfriend not his" Jamie stood up walking towards us "if you were a true boyfriend you'd believe her that she doesn't love me! I love her!" Everything went silent he loved me she thought he actually loved me and admitted it to Wesley "don't you say that" Wesley's voice rose "don't you say you love her you haven't been there for her you haven't gotten her from the beginning she's mine she loves me not you!" He roared "I highly doubt that" Jamie snapped back Wesley pushed past me about to swing a punch at Jamie that's when I pushed Wesley away onto the ground "stop!" I looked down at Wesley who was staring at me wide eyed "were done" I spat at Wesley and walked out of the classroom I heard footsteps running after me Jamie yelling after me but I ran faster towards the girls bathroom as soon as I got there I locked myself into one of the bathroom stalls I screamed wanting it all to stop I heard giggles coming from the outside of the bathroom stall "look who it is little whore Jessica miller" ugh Kelly and her little band of followers, my voice cracked "will you just leave" I said "Hm no this gives me satisfaction knowing your sad" she laughed then I heard a bang I opened the door and there teresa was holding Kelly up against the wall "leave her alone!" She yelled then all the cheerleaders were attacking at Teresa trying to get her off Kelly "get off me" Kelly Magee to get out of her croaking voice that's when Jamie ran in pulling Teresa off Kelly "look who comes to the rescue Jessica's new boyfriend" Kelly said shaking her shoulders and bobbing her hair back into place I felt my fists curl into ball but I gritted my teeth resisting to hit her I looked over at Teresa who was breathing hard her chest rising and lowering Kelly them looked over at me "I better get going" she said and walked past teresa were Jamie was holding her teresa struggling against his grip







I loved this chapter there's so much drama 😱

Teaser: so Jessica and Wesley are over what's gonna happen with everything do you think? Comment what you think

Happy Easter my wonderful readers! I hope you get lots of chocolate and have a great day!! ❤️🍫

An update coming soon to all you awesome supporters!

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