Chapter 33

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They sic continued to blast throughout the house the house was now full of teenagers and their large group of friends Jessica had grown tired with every hour the party continued on

Rachel was dancing closely to jack as the party started to die down my watchful eyes keeping a close eye in them the music was slow and steady as the night went on the last song she thought to herself oh thank god

As the song was coming to and end people were leaving and others waited for a few minutes until it all died down

Everyone had now left expect for the guys we were peacefully sitting in the lounge room not doing anything really just small talk "so guys I'm going to go to bed now" Rachel said with a tried yawn and begun walking towards her room I begun to speak my voice hoarse

"So guys, great party aye" I stated and looked towards everyone there were a few yeahs and yes's I silently nodded my head and scratched the back of my neck and I heard footsteps coming towards us I turned my head to see mum walking towards us her eyes scanning the area "I see everyone has left" mum said and looked around the messy room raising an eyebrow you better clean this up" she said and I hastily nodded my head again "okay" I replied "speaking of this party where is Rachel?" She asked "gone to bed" I said and "and so should you" she said then looking towards the guys "you guys better get home too" she stated and I stood up from the couch and so did the guys "I'll see you guys on monday" and they all left and I slighty smiled and as they had all left I headed towards my room I got into my room I quickly walked towards my closet picking out a loose t shirt and a pair of grey sweat pants, I quickly hoped into bed the warmth of the blankets warming me up I let my eyes close drifting off to sleep I slept knowing that Rachel and I would have to clean the house tomorrow but I just let myself sleep for now


It was now Monday and I had gotten ready for school walking towards my car I got in starting up the engine and drive off

As I got to school I parked into the parking lot I got out locking my car I headed towards the school I saw the guys and teresa standing together

That was odd I thought to myself

But I continued walking towards them people walking around me and the guys continued talking as I got closer Teresa saw me and smiled a bright smile her teeth shining white her blue eyes enlightening with as I got into the small circle they had formed

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked a little confused about what was going

"Nothing" Teresa said simply "then why are you guys talking?" I asked "were just talking" Wesley stated with a calm tone "but you guys never talk" "well" Teresa started "i got kicked off the squad" my eyes widened with shock "kicked off?" I said shocked "yeah Kelly kicked me off" I paused for a moment "but why?" "Well probably because I be been hanging out with you" her voice trailed off "with me!" I said "yeah you know she is probably just jealous because I pretty much ditched her for you" rage filled up inside me like fuel to the fire but I managed to keep my calm "well your welcome to hang out with us" I offered and looked towards the guys Ben looked like he was smirking but I just ignored him and went on with talking "guys let's meet up after school I need to talk to you about some things for regionals" I said and looked towards them and they all nodded and I looked towards a Teresa who seemed to be standing awkwardly "you can come to" I said to Teresa "thanks" she said happily and then the bell rung


2nd period we had gym and the guys and I had class together mr Fitz begun to speak as we all started to quieted down "today class, we will be doing a fitness lesson including the beep test" I heard sighs from the entire class but Ben "what's the beep test?" He asked curious "only the worst thing to ever exist" said one girl from the back with straight brunette hair that covered half her face "but what is it?" "It's where you have to run up and down from the hall" "that's not to hard" "but every time you get back to where you started off it gets faster each time and you have to try and make it to the other side before the beep" "ohhh okay" he said sounding calm but he didn't know what he was in for

As all the girls stood on the end of the hall we all got ready to run Kelly a few paces away from me mr Fitz started the smal stereo up and a voice filled my ears "start level one" and we all started to run not fastly but not fast we all had made it and a few more levels it started to become harder

"Start level 9" I was now sweating frantically my head starting to feel dizzy but I kept moving it was now Kelly and I left her face determined and mine was leveling out to hers cheers from everyone came and I felt myself breath heavily my feet starting to pound against the ground and it hurt my hair was pasted to my head with sweat and I ran as fast as I could that's when I saw Kelly drop out and I silently felt myself feel happy

"Start level 10" I heard the voice but I dropped out and sat down instantly feeling my heart pound through my chest it was a terrible feeling my breathing had gone down and a slight smile crept onto my face as I realized I had beaten Kelly again


After school when I got home I waited for all the guys and a Teresa to show up today first to show up was Teresa and she headed towards me her hair bobbing onto her shoulders cheerfully

A few moments later everyone was there and I led them down to the basement "okay guys regionals is this week as you all know" I paused "and we have to win" they all cheered after me "we all need to work together as a team now guys alright?" I said with a glare towards Wesley and they all agreed

After we had a talk about what we were going to do at regionals the plays and everything but Teresa kinda just sat there "and last of all we are going to talk about homecoming" Teresa head shot up and she smiled and so did I






Hello everyone I hope you all had a good day

This chapter was okay and a bit short but oh well 😅

For all those that have never done the beep test your so lucky it's torture and at out school it's also known as the butcher test 😂

Teaser: what's with teresa getting kicked off the team? And regionals is this week! Are they going to win or lose? Comment what you think

Please don't forget to comment and vote

Thank you to everyone who supports me and votes and comments I live you guys the most ❤️

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